You can bind the highlight event in order to modify the tooltip :
$("#chart1").bind('jqplotDataHighlight', function(ev, seriesIndex, pointIndex, data) {
var highlightToolTip = $(".jqplot-highlighter-tooltip");
var pct = Math.round(data[1]/total*100);
highlightToolTip.html(data[0]+", "+pct+"%");
Where :
- data1 is the value of the highlighted slice,
- data[0] is the label of the highlighted slice,
total is a variable containing the total value of your plot built here :
data = [
['Heavy Industry', 12],['Retail', 9], ['Light Industry', 14],
['Out of home', 16],['Commuting', 7], ['Orientation', 9]
var total = 0;
$(data).map(function(){total += this[1];})
Please see a working example on
fiddle here