, 我已经安装了
1) scala-2.10.3

2) spark-1.0.0 使用以下变量更改了 spark-env.sh

export SCALA_HOME=$HOME/scala-2.10.3


我可以看到 Spark 大师。

3) 鲨鱼-0.9.1-bin-hadoop1

Changed shark-env.sh with below variables


SPARK_JAVA_OPTS=" -Dspark.local.dir=/tmp "

SPARK_JAVA_OPTS+="-Dspark.kryoserializer.buffer.mb=10 "

SPARK_JAVA_OPTS+="-verbose:gc -XX:-PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps "

    export SPARK_JAVA_OPTS

    export HIVE_HOME=/usr/share/dse/hive

export HIVE_CONF_DIR="/etc/dse/hive"

export SPARK_HOME=/home/ubuntu/spark-1.0.0

export SPARK_MEM=16g

source $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-env.sh

4) 在 DSE 中,Hive 版本是 Hive 0.11 Existing Hive-site.xml 是


     <!-- Hive Execution Parameters -->
             <description>Let hive determine whether to run in local mode automatically</description>

             <description>location of default database for the warehouse</description>

                <description>This sets the path to the HWI war file, relative to ${HIVE_HOME}</description>

                <description>Use the Apache Cassandra Hive RawStore implementation</description>

                <value>${dse.bin}/dse hadoop</value>

          <!-- Set this to true to enable auto-creation of Cassandra keyspaces as Hive Databases -->

5) 运行 Shark shell 时出现错误:

 Unable to instantiate Org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.HiveMetaStoreClient

6) 在使用 -skipRddReload 运行 Shark shell 时 - 我能够获取 Shark shell 但无法连接配置单元并且无法执行任何命令。

 shark> DESCRIVE mykeyspace;


FAILED: Error in metastore: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.haddop.hive.metastore.HiveMataStoreClient.
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.q1.exec.DDLTask.

请详细说明如何在 Datastax 企业 (Cassandra) 上配置 spark/shark。


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