
现在我只制作了 polinom 类,我将它表示为带有术语和一些函数的链表(现在只读取和打印多项式函数)。


#include "polinom.h"

int main()


polinom P1;
bool varStatus = false;
char var = '\0', readStatus = '\0';

cout << "P1 = ";
P1.read(readStatus, var, varStatus); // i don't need readStatus yet as i haven't implemented the reset and quit functions 

cout << "\n\nP = ";

return 0;


#ifndef _polinom_h
#define _polinom_h

#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdio>
#include <conio.h>

using namespace std;

class polinom 
class term
        int coef;
        int pow;

            coef = 1;
            pow = 0;

list<term> poly;
list<term>::iterator i;


    bool printable(char c) 

        return (
                  ((int(c) > 42 && int(c) < 123) || isspace(c)) && int(c) != 44 && int(c) != 46 && int(c) != 47 && 
                  int(c) != 58 && int(c) != 59 && 
                  int(c) != 60 && int(c) != 61 && int(c) != 62 && int(c) != 63 && int(c) != 64 && int(c) != 65 && 
                  int(c) != 91 && int(c) != 92 && int(c) != 93 && int(c) != 95 && int(c) != 96

    void read(char &readStatus, char &var, bool &varStatus)

        term t; // term variable to push it into the list of terms
        char c, lc, sign; // c = current char, lc = lastchar and sign the '+' or '-' sign before a coefficient
        int coef, pow; //variables to pass the coef and power to term t
        bool coefRead = false, powRead = false; //reading status of coef and power 

        while (c != '\r') { //we read characters until carriage return
            c = getch(); // get the new imputed char

            if (tolower(c) == 'r' || tolower(c) == 'q') { //if the user inputed r or q we reset the input or quit the program
                    readStatus = c; //pass current char value to readStatus so the program will know what to do next
                    return; //aborting the reading process

                if (printable(c)) cout << c; //print on screen only the correct characters

                if (!coefRead && !powRead) //we set term coef to the inputed value
                    if (isdigit(c)) { 
                        if (isdigit(lc)) coef = coef * 10 + int(c); //if the last char was also a digit we multiply the last value of coef by 10 and add current char
                        else {                                    
                            if (sign == '-')  coef = -(int(c));//if the current coef has '-' before we set coef to it's negative value 
                            else              coef = int(c);   //this means a new term's coef is read
                    if (!isdigit(c) && isdigit(lc)) coefRead = true; //if the last char was a digit and we reached the var name we stop reading the coefficient

                else if (coefRead && !powRead) //after coefficient is read we get the term's varname and power 
                    if (isdigit(c)) { // just like in the case with coefficient we read the power until the current char is not a digit
                        if (isdigit(lc)) pow = pow * 10 + int(c);
                        else pow = int(c);

                    else if (isalpha(c) && isdigit(lc) && !varStatus) { //if the last char was a digit and the current not we reached the var name
                    var = c;                                            //also even though the variable is inputed more than once we save it only once
                    varStatus = true; //we mark the var name as read
                    else {
                        if (isdigit(lc)) powRead = true;

            else {
                if (c == '+' || c == '-') { // if a sign was inputed it means a new term is coming and we push the current term to the list and reset 
                    t.coef = coef;          // coefRead and powRead so we can read another term 
                    t.pow = pow;
                    sign = c;
                    coefRead = false;
                    powRead = false;

           lc = c; // we save the last character


    void print(char var)
        for ( i=poly.begin() ; i != poly.end(); i++ ) { //going through the entire list to retrieve the terms and print them 

            if (i == poly.end() - 1) { // if we reached the last term 
                if (*(i->pow == 0) //if the last term's power is 0 we print only it's coefficient
                    cout << *(i->coef);
                    cout << *(i->coef) << var << "^" << *(i->pow); //otherwise we print both

            else {
                if (*(i->coef > 0) //if the coef value is positive 
                    cout << *(i->coef) << var << "^" << *(i->pow) << " + "; //we also add the '+' sign
                    cout << *(i->coef) << var << "^" << *(i->pow) << " - "; // otherwise we add '-' sign




多亏了 JonH,现在所有的编译错误都得到了修复,但是由于输入字符没有正确插入到列表中,读取功能不起作用。我知道这对你们来说可能微不足道,但如果你能帮助我,那就太好了。



4 回答 4


我在整个代码中发现很多缺少花括号和右括号。在花了几分钟修好其中至少 10 个之后,我想如果我帮助你学会钓鱼,而不是给你今晚的晚餐吃鱼,你会得到更好的服务。



  1. 首先用一些(最好是 1 个)核心方法和成员变量来存根类声明。
  2. 编译。你会得到链接器错误等,但你不应该得到任何语法错误,比如缺少括号或分号。在继续之前修复您找到的任何内容。
  3. 实现你刚刚存根的方法/函数。编译和修复非链接器错误。
  4. 当您想到在上述步骤中出现的次要或相关要求时,请在您的代码中编写注释,例如// TODO: Implement bool DoTheThing(int); 但不要实现它们。
  5. 循环回到第 1 步,尽可能保持你工作的范围有限和基本。在没有干净编译的情况下,永远不要超越编译步骤。

重复,直到你实现了一切。在此过程中,您可能会编译 50 次或更多。

于 2010-03-09T21:00:30.680 回答



  1. 您的功能printable丑陋至极,因此无法调试或理解。
  2. 嵌套if语句的数量表示设计缺陷。
  3. 您的if (isdigit(c))语句缺少一个结束括号。
  4. 在同一行声明(尤其是初始化)多个变量是不好的形式。
于 2010-03-09T20:45:59.900 回答


于 2010-03-09T20:36:44.707 回答

您在 read 函数中缺少一些花括号。


 void read(char &readStatus, char &var, bool &varStatus) 

    term t; // term variable to push it into the list of terms 
    char c, lc, sign; // c = current char, lc = lastchar and sign the '+' or '-' sign before a coefficient 
    int coef, pow; //variables to pass the coef and power to term t 
    bool coefRead = false, powRead = false; //reading status of coef and power  

    while (c != '\r') { //we read characters until carriage return 
        c = getch(); // get the new imputed char 

        if (tolower(c) == 'r' || tolower(c) == 'q') 
        { //if the user inputed r or q we reset the input or quit the program 
                readStatus = c; //pass current char value to readStatus so the program will know what to do next 
                return; //aborting the reading process 

            if (printable(c)) 
               cout << c; //print on screen only the correct characters 

            if (!coefRead && !powRead) //we set term coef to the inputed value 
                if (isdigit(c)) 
                    if (isdigit(lc)) 
                       coef = coef * 10 + int(c); //if the last char was also a digit we multiply the last value of coef by 10 and add current char 
                        if (sign == '-')  
                           coef = -(int(c));//if the current coef has '-' before we set coef to it's negative value  
                           coef = int(c);   //this means a new term's coef is read 
                      } //end else 
                    }//end if isdigit(c)
                if (!isdigit(c) && isdigit(lc)) 
                   coefRead = true; //if the last char was a digit and we reached the var name we stop reading the coefficient 
            }  //end if

            else if (coefRead && !powRead) //after coefficient is read we get the term's varname and power  
                if (isdigit(c)) 
                   { // just like in the case with coefficient we read the power until the current char is not a digit 
                    if (isdigit(lc)) 
                       pow = pow * 10 + int(c); 
                         pow = int(c); 

                else if (isalpha(c) && isdigit(lc) && !varStatus) 
                     { //if the last char was a digit and the current not we reached the var name 
                         var = c;                                            //also even though the variable is inputed more than once we save it only once 
                          varStatus = true; //we mark the var name as read 
                     if (isdigit(lc)) 
                        powRead = true; 
            } //end else if 

             if (c == '+' || c == '-') 
                { // if a sign was inputed it means a new term is coming and we push the current term to the list and reset  
                  t.coef = coef;          // coefRead and powRead so we can read another term  
                  t.pow = pow; 
                  sign = c; 
                  coefRead = false; 
                  powRead = false; 

       lc = c; // we save the last character 

        } //end else
    }  //end while
} //end function



 void print(char var) 
        for ( i=poly.begin() ; i != poly.end(); i++ ) { //going through the entire list to retrieve the terms and print them  

            if (i == poly.end()) { // if we reached the last term  
                if (i->pow == 0) //if the last term's power is 0 we print only it's coefficient 
                    cout << i->coef;
                    cout << i->coef << var << "^" << i->pow; //otherwise we print both 

            else { 
                if (i->coef > 0) //if the coef value is positive  
                    cout << i->coef << var << "^" << i->pow << " + "; //we also add the '+' sign 
                    cout << i->coef << var << "^" << i->pow << " - "; // otherwise we add '-' sign 
于 2010-03-09T20:48:02.830 回答