我正在尝试创建一个可以使用 OpenSSL 发送签名和加密邮件的 android 应用程序。

到目前为止,我能够发送签名电子邮件并使用 Web 浏览器和我的 Android 应用程序验证它们。


但是现在当我尝试从我的 android 应用程序发送签名+加密的邮件时。Exchange 服务器无法验证/解密从我的 android 应用程序发送的邮件。

当我尝试使用 OWA 打开这些邮件时,我收到此错误:

One or more errors occurred while the message was being loaded. Error: (0x800ccef6)
The digital signature of this message couldn't be validated because an error occurred while the message was being loaded.


更新 1:-添加加密和签名代码。


public static boolean Java_PKCS7Sign(File inputFile, File outputFile, PrivateKey privateKey, X509Certificate certificate, String signingAlgorithm) {
    try {
        String inputFilePath = inputFile.getAbsolutePath();
        String outputFilePath = outputFile.getAbsolutePath();

        byte arr[] = android.security.Credentials.convertToPem(certificate);
        InputStream certIs = new  ByteArrayInputStream(arr);
        OpenSSLX509Certificate openSSLcert = OpenSSLX509Certificate.fromX509PemInputStream(certIs);
        byte openSSLcertEncoded[] = openSSLcert.getEncoded();
        long signCertRef = NativeCrypto.d2i_X509(openSSLcertEncoded);

        OpenSSLKey oKey = OpenSSLKey.fromPrivateKey(privateKey);
        long evpKeyRef = oKey.getPkeyContext();

        //boolean res = PKCS7Sign(signCertRef, pkeyRef, certs, bioRef, flags, a, b)
        long arr1[] = new long[0];
        return PKCS7Sign(inputFilePath, signCertRef, evpKeyRef, arr1, outputFilePath);
    } catch (Exception e) {

    return false;

上面的代码PKCS7Sign是对 OpenSSL 的 JNI 调用。用于签名的标志是:int flgs = PKCS7_STREAM | PKCS7_DETACHED | PKCS7_BINARY ;


public static boolean Java_PKCS7encrypt(File inputData, File output, X509Certificate[] recipientCertificates, String encryptionAlgorithm) {
    if(!inputData.exists() || !output.exists())
        return false;

    try {
        fis = new FileInputStream(inputData);
        OpenSSLBIOInputStream bis = new OpenSSLBIOInputStream(fis);
        long bioRef = NativeCrypto.create_BIO_InputStream(bis);

        int certsRefArrLength = recipientCertificates.length;
        long certsRefArr[] = new long[certsRefArrLength];
        for (int i = 0; i < certsRefArrLength; i++) {
            byte arr[] = android.security.Credentials.convertToPem(recipientCertificates[i]);
            InputStream certIs = new  ByteArrayInputStream(arr);
            OpenSSLX509Certificate openSSLcert = OpenSSLX509Certificate.fromX509PemInputStream(certIs);
            byte openSSLcertEncoded[] = openSSLcert.getEncoded();
            certsRefArr[i] = NativeCrypto.d2i_X509(openSSLcertEncoded);

        String outputFilePath = output.getAbsolutePath();

        return PKCS7encrypt(bioRef, certsRefArr, outputFilePath, encryptionAlgorithm);

    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
    } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return false;

与符号相同的PKCS7encrypt是对 OpenSSL 的 JNI 调用。使用的标志是:

int flags = PKCS7_STREAM | PKCS7_BINARY;

用于加密的密码是cipher = EVP_rc2_40_cbc();


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