我有一个基本的 MSI 项目。我需要在安装时删除另一个已集成到我们主应用程序中的 MSI 产品。我尝试使用升级场景并将其视为重大升级。但是,这不起作用,因为我相信升级代码不匹配。

接下来,我还做了一个自定义操作,在 CostFinalize 之后运行 msiexec.exe(我认为这在 Installshield 帮助中有所说明。)直到我安装在没有我想要删除的安装程序的系统上之前,这一直有效。如果没有安装其他过时的产品,我的安装程序将会失败。我试图对系统搜索设置的自定义操作设置条件,但系统搜索似乎在功能上受到限制。我不能只检查一个注册键并设置一个布尔属性。



2 回答 2



1) UpgradeTable ( FindRelatedProducts / RemoveExisting Products ) 可用于删除与另一个产品的 UpgradeCode 关联的 ProductCodes。

2) 如果没有记忆,MSI 不会在每台机器安装期间删除每用户产品(或相反)。上下文必须相同。

3) UI 序列在静默安装期间不运行。

4) 您不能从执行序列中运行 msiexec,因为系统范围的互斥锁只有每台机器一个执行序列。

5)如果您在 UI 中安排(我已经告诉过您不应该这样做,因为它在静默安装期间不会运行)还有另一个互斥锁,它说每个进程只有 1 个 UI。

如果您要从每个用户到每个用户或从每台机器到每台机器,我认为您应该能够使用升级元素/表格行来做您想做的事情,而无需编写自定义操作。否则,在进入 msiexec 世界之前,您需要一个 setup.exe 风格的引导程序来处理卸载。

于 2010-03-10T03:48:25.323 回答

我在 InstallShield 2013 中使用自定义 InstallScript 实现了这一点。该脚本是通过 UI 序列中的自定义操作执行的,但我将它放在“SetupProgress”对话框之后,即在“执行操作”之前而不是在 CostFinalize 之后(如文档所述)。我在操作中添加了条件“未安装”。如果您按照建议的顺序放置它,它将在安装程序初始化后立即开始卸载。如果您将它移动到我所做的位置,它不会启动,直到用户单击最终的立即安装按钮。

将其置于 UI 序列中的原因是为了解决一次只有一个 msi 安装程序(或卸载程序)的问题。由于该限制,这在执行顺序中根本不起作用。

这种方法的主要缺点是,正如 Christopher 所说,这在静默安装中不起作用(也可以在 IS 文档中找到)。这是实现这一目标的官方手段。(查看:http ://helpnet.installshield.com/installshield16helplib/IHelpCustomActionMSIExec.htm )如果您可以忍受(因为静默安装通常是特殊情况),那么这很好用。

正如 Chris 所说,您无法在主 ui 运行时启动卸载程序 ui,但这对我的脚本来说不是问题,因为它添加了一个命令行开关来在没有 ui 的情况下运行卸载程序(即静默)。

我的脚本还避免了必须知道要卸载的应用程序的 guid。这是绑定到自定义操作的脚本(UninstallPriorVersions 是入口点函数):

    //  This template script provides the code necessary to build an entry-point 
    //  function to be called in an InstallScript custom action. 
    //    File Name:  Setup.rul                                                   
    //  Description:  InstallShield script                                        

    // Include Ifx.h for built-in InstallScript function prototypes, for Windows 
    // Installer API function prototypes and constants, and to declare code for 
    // the OnBegin and OnEnd events.
    #include "ifx.h"

    // The keyword export identifies MyFunction() as an entry-point function.
    // The argument it accepts must be a handle to the Installer database.

    export prototype UninstallPriorVersions(HWND);

    // To Do:  Declare global variables, define constants, and prototype user-
    //         defined and DLL functions here.

    prototype NUMBER UninstallApplicationByName( STRING );
    prototype NUMBER GetUninstallCmdLine( STRING, BOOL, BYREF STRING );
    prototype STRING GetUninstallKey( STRING );
    prototype NUMBER RegDBGetSubKeyNameContainingValue( NUMBER, STRING, STRING, STRING, BYREF STRING );

    // To Do:  Create a custom action for this entry-point function:
    // 1.  Right-click on "Custom Actions" in the Sequences/Actions view.
    // 2.  Select "Custom Action Wizard" from the context menu.
    // 3.  Proceed through the wizard and give the custom action a unique name.
    // 4.  Select "Run InstallScript code" for the custom action type, and in
    //     the next panel select "MyFunction" (or the new name of the entry-
    //     point function) for the source.
    // 5.  Click Next, accepting the default selections until the wizard
    //     creates the custom action.
    // Once you have made a custom action, you must execute it in your setup by
    // inserting it into a sequence or making it the result of a dialog's
    // control event.

    // Function:  UninstallPriorVersions
    //  Purpose:  Uninstall prior versions of this application
    function UninstallPriorVersions(hMSI)

        UninstallApplicationByName( "The Name Of Some App" );           


    // Function: UninstallApplicationByName
    // Purpose: Uninstall an application (without knowing the guid)
    // Returns: (UninstCmdLine is assigned a value by referrence)
    //      >= ISERR_SUCCESS    The function successfully got the command line.
    //      < ISERR_SUCCESS     The function failed to get the command line.
    function NUMBER UninstallApplicationByName( AppName )
        NUMBER nReturn;
        STRING UninstCmdLine;

        nReturn = GetUninstallCmdLine( AppName, TRUE, UninstCmdLine );  
        if( nReturn < ISERR_SUCCESS ) then
            return nReturn;

        if( LaunchAppAndWait( "", UninstCmdLine, LAAW_OPTION_WAIT) = 0 ) then 
            return ISERR_SUCCESS;
            return ISERR_SUCCESS-1;


    // Function: GetUninstallCmdLine 
    // Purpose: Get the command line statement to uninstall an application 
    // Returns: (UninstCmdLine is assigned a value by referrence)
    //      >= ISERR_SUCCESS    The function successfully got the command line.
    //      < ISERR_SUCCESS     The function failed to get the command line.
    function NUMBER GetUninstallCmdLine( AppName, Silent, UninstCmdLine )
        NUMBER nReturn;

        nReturn = RegDBGetUninstCmdLine ( GetUninstallKey( AppName ), UninstCmdLine );
        if( nReturn < ISERR_SUCCESS ) then
            return nReturn;

        if( Silent && StrFind( UninstCmdLine, "MsiExec.exe" ) >= 0 )then
            UninstCmdLine = UninstCmdLine + " /qn"; 

        return nReturn;

    // Function: GetUninstallKey
    // Purpose:  Find the uninstall key in the registry for an application looked up by name
    // Returns: The uninstall key (i.e. the guid or a fall back value)
    function STRING GetUninstallKey( AppName )
        STRING guid;
        STRING Key64, Key32, ValueName;

        Key64 = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall";
        Key32 = "SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"; 
        ValueName = "DisplayName";

        if( RegDBGetSubKeyNameContainingValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key64, ValueName, AppName, guid ) = 0 ) then
            return guid; // return 64 bit GUID

        if( RegDBGetSubKeyNameContainingValue( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key32, ValueName, AppName, guid ) = 0 ) then
            return guid; // return 32 bit GUID

        return AppName; // return old style uninstall key (fall back value)


    // Function: RegDBGetSubKeyNameContainingValue
    // Purpose:  Find a registry sub key containing a given value.
    //           Return the NAME of the subkey (NOT the entire key path)
    // Returns: (SubKeyName is assigned a value by referrence)
    //      = 0     A sub key name was found with a matching value
    //      != 0    Failed to find a sub key with a matching value
    function NUMBER RegDBGetSubKeyNameContainingValue( nRootKey, Key, ValueName, Value, SubKeyName )
        STRING SearchSubKey, SubKey, svValue;
        NUMBER nResult, nType, nvSize;
        LIST   listSubKeys;

        SubKeyName = "";

        listSubKeys  = ListCreate(STRINGLIST);
        if (listSubKeys = LIST_NULL) then
            MessageBox ("Unable to create necessary list.", SEVERE);

        RegDBSetDefaultRoot( nRootKey );

        if (RegDBQueryKey( Key, REGDB_KEYS, listSubKeys ) = 0) then    
            nResult = ListGetFirstString (listSubKeys, SubKey); 
            while (nResult != END_OF_LIST) 
                SearchSubKey = Key + "\\" + SubKey;
                nType = REGDB_STRING;
                if (RegDBGetKeyValueEx (SearchSubKey, ValueName, nType, svValue, nvSize) = 0) then
                    if( svValue = Value ) then              
                        SubKeyName = SubKey;     
                        nResult = END_OF_LIST;
                if( nResult != END_OF_LIST ) then                       
                    nResult = ListGetNextString (listSubKeys, SubKey); 

        ListDestroy (listSubKeys );

        if ( SubKeyName = "" ) then
            return 1;
            return 0;

于 2015-02-13T22:23:06.830 回答