我正在为混合不同压缩算法的短字符串构建一个压缩器,而 RLE 就是其中之一,这就是问题所在。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re
dictionary = {'hello':'\§', 'world':'\°', 'the': '\@', 'for': '\]'}
a_test_string = 'hello******** to the world****!'
def compress(string, dictionary):
pattern = re.compile( '|'.join(dictionary.keys() ))
result = pattern.sub(lambda value: dictionary[value.group() ], string)
Here I should also implement a snippet to check for characters beginning with "\" so that they won't get replaced and screw up the result.
for character in string:
occurrence = string.count(character*2)
there_is_more_than_one_occurrence = occurrence > 1
if there_is_more_than_one_occurrence:
second_regex_pass_for_multiple_occurrences = re.sub('\*\*\*+', '/'+character+str(occurrence), result)
result = second_regex_pass_for_multiple_occurrences
print 'Original string:', string
print 'Compressed string:', result
print 'Original size:', len(string)
print 'Compressed size:', len(result)
compress(a_test_string, dictionary)
Original string: hello******** to the world****!
Compressed string: \§/*6 to \@ \°/*6!
Original size: 31
Compressed size: 20
Original string: hello******** to the world****!
Compressed string: \§/*8 to \@ \°/*4!
Original size: 31
Compressed size: 20