截至撰写本文时,我正在运行最新的 GHC (7.9.20140608) 和 cabal (,但似乎attoparsec
Illegal equational constraint a_audv ~ (ByteString, t)
(Use GADTs or TypeFamilies to permit this)
In the context: (a_audv ~ (ByteString, t))
While checking the inferred type for ‘succ'’
In the expression:
succ' t' pos' more' a
= succ t' pos' more' (substring pos (pos' - pos) t', a)
in runParser p t pos more lose succ'
In the second argument of ‘($)’, namely
‘\ t pos more lose succ
-> let succ' t' pos' more' a = ...
in runParser p t pos more lose succ'’
我是否缺少任何语言扩展?还是这个问题会更棘手一点?这是我的阴谋集团文件: http: //lpaste.net/105329
对此的任何帮助都将令人难以置信:) 黑客快乐!