我正在尝试设置一个简单游戏的更新循环,并考虑到 observables。顶层组件是一个模型,它接受输入命令并产生更新;和一个view,它显示接收到的更新,并产生输入。单独来看,两者都可以正常工作,有问题的部分是将两者放在一起,因为两者都依赖于另一个。
var view = function (updates) {
return Rx.Observable.fromArray([1,2,3]);
var model = function (inputs) {
return inputs.map(function (i) { return i * 10; });
var inputBuffer = new Rx.Subject();
var updates = model(inputBuffer);
var inputs = view(updates);
function (i) { console.log(i); },
function (e) { console.log("Error: " + e); },
function () { console.log("Completed"); }
然而,我不禁觉得这不是正确的做事方式。为此使用主题似乎是矫枉过正。有没有办法用 publish() 或 defer() 或类似的东西做同样的事情?
//-- Helper methods and whatnot
// Variables to easily represent the two states of the target
var left = 'left';
var right = 'right';
// Transition from one side to the other
var flip = function (side) {
if (side === left) {
return right;
} else {
return left;
// Creates a predicate used for hit testing in the view
var nearby = function (target, radius) {
return function (position) {
var min = target - radius;
var max = target + radius;
return position >= min && position <= max;
// Same as Observable.prototype.scan, but it also yields the initial value immediately.
var initScan = function (values, init, updater) {
var initValue = Rx.Observable.return(init);
var restValues = values.scan(init, updater);
return initValue.concat(restValues);
//-- Part 1: From input to state --
var process = function (inputs) {
// Determine new state based on current state and input
var update = function(current, input) {
// Input value ignored here because there's only one possible state transition
return flip(current);
return initScan(inputs, left, update);
//-- Part 2: From display to inputs --
var display = function (states) {
// Simulate clicks from the user at various positions (only one dimension, for simplicity)
var clicks = Rx.Observable.interval(800)
.map(function (v) {return (v * 5) % 30; })
.do(function (v) { console.log("Shooting at: " + v)})
// Display position of target depending on the model
var targetPos = states.map(function (state) {
return state === left ? 5 : 25;
// Determine which clicks are hits based on displayed position
return targetPos.flatMapLatest(function (target) {
return clicks
.filter(nearby(target, 10))
.map(function (pos) { return "HIT! (@ "+ pos +")"; })
//-- Part 3: Putting the loop together
* Creates the following feedback loop:
* - Commands are passed to the process function to generate updates.
* - Updates are passed to the display function to generates further commands.
* - (this closes the loop)
var feedback = function (process, display) {
var inputBuffer = new Rx.Subject(),
updates = process(inputBuffer),
inputs = display(updates);
feedback(process, display);