Statistical comments first before getting to your question, which has two Stata answers at least.
Quantile regression is defined by prediction of quantiles of the response (what you call the dependent variable). You may or may not want to do that, but using quantile-based groups for predictors does not itself make a regression a quantile regression.
Quantiles (here quintiles) are values that divide a variable into bands of defined frequency. Here you want the 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100% points. The bands, intervals or groups themselves are not best called quantiles, although many statistically-minded people would know what you mean.
What you propose seems common in economics and business, but it is still degrading the information in the data.
All that said, you could always write a loop using forval
, something like this
egen group = group(Date)
su group, meanonly
gen QLagTNA = .
quietly forval d = 1/`r(max)' {
xtile work = LagTNA if group == `d', nq(5)
replace QLagTNA = work if group == `d'
drop work
For more, see this link
But you will probably prefer to download a user-written egen
function [correct term here] to do this
ssc inst egenmore
h egenmore
The function you want is xtile()