Monetdb 的听诊器是一个分析工具,并有一个跟踪选项列表。在以下测量结果中,我对一些指标感到困惑。
utime、cuttime、stime 和 cstime 到底是什么?它们似乎是用户和内核空间中的 CPU 时间,但为什么 MAL 指令的“开始”状态有这样的 utime 而“结束”状态没有?而且,它的单位是什么?
blk.reads blk.writes 应该是以块为单位的 I/O 速度。为什么有些指令的 blk.reads 或 blk.writes 非零,但它们的 rbytes(读取的字节数)和 wbytes(写入的字节数)为零?
The trace options (default 'ISTest'):
S = monitor start of instruction profiling
a = aggregate clock ticks per instruction
e = event counter
f = module.function name
i = instruction counter
I = interpreter thread number
T = wall clock time
t = ticks in microseconds
c = cpu statistics (utime,ctime,stime,cstime)
m = memory resources as provided by OS
r = block reads
w = block writes
b = bytes read/written
s = MAL statement
y = MAL argument types
p = process statistics, e.g. page faults, context switches
u = user id
D = Generate dot file upon query start
F = Dataflow memory claims