Pycairo 已经安装,但检查依赖脚本说它没有安装。
Hrishikeshs-MacBook-Pro:graphite hrishikeshparanjape$ brew install py2cairo
Warning: py2cairo-1.10.0 already installed
Hrishikeshs-MacBook-Pro:graphite hrishikeshparanjape$ sudo python
[FATAL] Unable to import the 'cairo' module, do you have pycairo installed for python 2.7.5?
Unable to import the 'ldap' module, do you have python-ldap installed for python 2.7.5?
Without python-ldap, you will not be able to use LDAP authentication in the graphite webapp.
1 necessary dependencies not met. Graphite will not function until these dependencies are fulfilled.
1 optional dependencies not met. Please consider the warning messages before proceeding.