After installing XCode 6 and running it, the license dialog appears. I click "Agree". And it does... nothing. The dialog is still there.

Even if the dialog is active, I can still access Xcode menu. But it crashes as soon as I try to use anything.

I've tried:

  • closing/launching it again
  • several reboot sequence after install/uninstall
  • uninstalling XCode 5.1 (which I used recently for several apps with no problem)
  • removing ~/Library Xcode related files (preferences)
  • safe boot mode
  • using xcodebuild -license and validating license in console mode
  • repairing permissions with diskutility
  • running maintenance scripts
  • tried creating another administrator account and test through it

Everytime the dialog appears, I cannot close it.

Found same problem in the Apple developer forums where the user successfully terminated the install by rebooting. It does not work on my configuration (Macbook Pro, OS X 10.9.3)

Can't wait to test Swift. Anybody's having same problem?

Edit 06/19: - Apple has flagged my reported bug as a duplicate (and closed it). Too bad we have no way to search for other bugs in their reporting system (and any comment, workaround, ...). Next beta is available, not yet installed but hope it's fixed.

Edit 06/20: - Still the same problem with Xcode 6 beta 2 :-(


3 回答 3



sudo xcodebuild -license accept
于 2017-08-24T04:32:06.953 回答

经过一番痛苦,问题终于看起来很简单。它来自包含 Xcode 许可证数据的 plist 文件中设置的标志。打开一个终端并检查它:

MacBook-Pro:~ johnny$ ls -lO /Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist

-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel        uchg         456 Sep 14  2013 com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist

在许可协议期间,烦人的标志“uchg”会阻止 Xcode 更新文件。如果已设置,只需在终端中运行以下命令即可取消设置标志:

MacBook-Pro:~ johnny$ sudo chflags nouchg /Library/Preferences/com.apple.dt.Xcode.plist

然后您可以再次启动 Xcode 6 并同意许可工作。使用 Xcode 6 beta 2 测试。

两个多星期后,我现在可以测试 Swift 了!

于 2014-06-24T19:56:22.517 回答



我知道有些人已经成功安装了这个。我现在最好的猜测是我将它安装在 Mavericks 而不是 Yosemite Beta 上。这是因为我看到的三篇人们积极评论的帖子也谈到了优胜美地的功能。

于 2014-06-07T02:31:28.907 回答