FF 中有一个非标准的 str.quote()
他们建议使用以下 polyfill
// oop version - no dependencies
String.prototype.quote = (function(){
// prepare fallback
// ----------------
// backslash escape double quotes and backslashes
var escp_regex = /[\\"]/g,
escp_callback = '\\$&',
// escape control characters
ctrl_map = {
'\b': '\\b', // backspace
'\t': '\\t', // tab
'\n': '\\n', // new line
'\f': '\\f', // form feed
'\r': '\\r' // carriage return
// don't rely on `Object.keys(ctrl_map).join('')`
ctrl_regex = new RegExp('[\b\t\n\f\r]', 'g'),
ctrl_callback = function(match){
return ctrl_map[match];
// hex-escape, spare out control characters and ASCII printables
// [0-7,11,14-31,127-255]
xhex_regex = /[\x00-\x07\x0B\x0E-\x1F\x7F-\xFF]/g,
xhex_callback = function(match, char_code){
char_code = match.charCodeAt(0);
return '\\x' + (char_code < 16 ? '0' : '') + char_code;
// hex-escape all others
uhex_regex = /[\u0100-\uFFFF]/g,
uhex_callback = function(match, char_code){
char_code = match.charCodeAt(0);
return '\\u' + (char_code < 4096 ? '0' : '') + char_code;
// delegate to native `JSON.stringify` if available
stringify = typeof JSON !== 'undefined' && JSON.stringify;
// return actual polyfill
// ----------------------
return function(){
var self = this; // promote compression
if(self == null) throw new TypeError('can\'t convert ' + self + ' to object');
if(stringify) return stringify(self);
return '"' + self
.replace(escp_regex, escp_callback)
.replace(ctrl_regex, ctrl_callback)
.replace(xhex_regex, xhex_callback)
.replace(uhex_regex, uhex_callback) + '"';
// generic version - requires Function#bind
String.quote = Function.call.bind(''.quote);