i have written a user control for WinCC (Siemens) (SCADA). Now I want to pass a pointer to the control. The only way to do this is: write the pointer to a property.
WinCC has only this methods to set properties
- SetPropBOOL
- SetPropChar
- SetPropDouble
- SetPropWord
The property from control has UInt as datatype and i use the SetPropDouble method to set the address from an object.
WinCC Global Script (ANSI-C)
//autoDB is an ADODB.Connection object
//object* autoDB = __object_create("ADODB.Connection");
extern __object* autoDB;
//SetPropDouble( "PictureName", "ControlName", "PropertyName", (DWORD)(&autoDB) );
SetPropDouble( "PictureName", "ControlName", "PropertyName", (DWORD)autoDB );
I've debug my control (hook on WinCC-process) and i see the property-set becomes assigned an address-value e.g. 0x03041080.
Now the question: How can i get the object in c# (.Net) on the address?
My try throws an exception: ExecutionEngineException
private ADODB.Connection _database;
private IntPtr _ptr = IntPtr.Zero;
public uint DataBase{
return (uint)_ptr;
if( value != 0 ){
_ptr = (IntPtr)value;
GCHandle gH = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(_ptr); // THIS LINE THROW THE EXCEPTION
_database = gH.Target;
Ok: i've changed my code to use STRING
extern __object* autoDB;
DWORD addr = (DWORD)autoDB;
char sAddr[11];
sprintf( sAddr, "%d\0", addr );
SetPropChar( "PictureName", "ControlName", "DataBaseAddr", sAddr );
And c# is now
private string _lpszDataBaseAddr = "";
public string DataBaseAddr{
return _lpszDataBaseAddr;
uint addr;
bool ret = uint.TryParse( value, out addr );
if( ! ret ){
IntPtr ptr = (IntPtr)addr;
GCHandle gH = GCHandle.FromIntPtr( ptr ); // THE SAME ERROR!
Other findings!
The address from the ADO-Object is not in the process-memory who called my control (debug with ollydbg). WinCC has two programs: PDLRT.exe for visualisation (this is calling my control) and SCRIPT.exe for running GLOBAL-SCRIPT (Ansi-C).
From PDLRT, i've access to the pointer-address from ADO-Object. By call GCHandle in C# of the ADO-object-address, the exception is thrown. (ExecutionEngineException)