I am building a rails application for place booking. The app should be able to facilitate bank transfer (not VISA/Mastercard direct payment) for payment. Basically we let users know our bank account number. User can then pay via iBanking / go to ATM or Bank. Nah, when we received the payment, we should know whom this payment comes from and from which booking.

How are we supposed to know whom send it and for which booking it is, while there is no additional data in the transfer information other than amount of money. I heard we can apply a unique cents identifier, like when the payment is $8, we make it $8 2 cents to link it to the user who sends it and the booking data.

Is that the best practice in linking the actual payment data and the booking data? If it is, is there any ruby gem capable for generating the unique cents identifier? Or if not, is there any better approach?

Thank you for your assistance.


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于 2014-06-04T09:50:55.537 回答