我想从 Wikimedia Commons 检索图像以显示在地图上。这意味着给定一对(纬度,经度)我想在这一点附近找到图片。经过一天的搜索和尝试,我仍然不知道这是否可能。特别是我已经阅读了MediaWiki API 主页、API 参考和一些示例。
我想从 Wikimedia Commons 检索图像以显示在地图上。这意味着给定一对(纬度,经度)我想在这一点附近找到图片。经过一天的搜索和尝试,我仍然不知道这是否可能。特别是我已经阅读了MediaWiki API 主页、API 参考和一些示例。
是的,这是可能的。在 Commons 上,安装了Extension:GeoData。采用action=query&list=geosearch&gscoord=lat|lon&gsradius=meters&gsnamespace=6&gsprimary=all
摘自 API 文档
gscoord - Coordinate around which to search: two floating-point values separated by pipe (|)
gspage - Title of page around which to search
gsradius - Search radius in meters
This parameter is required
The value must be between 10 and 10000
gsmaxdim - Restrict search to objects no larger than this, in meters
gslimit - Maximum number of pages to return
No more than 500 (5000 for bots) allowed
Default: 10
gsnamespace - Namespace(s) to search
Values (separate with '|'): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 460,
461, 490, 491, 1198, 1199, 828, 829
Maximum number of values 50 (500 for bots)
Default: 0
gsprop - What additional coordinate properties to return
Values (separate with '|'): type, name, dim, country, region, globe
Default: globe
MediaWiki 中的文件命名空间默认为 NS 6。
"query": {
"geosearch": [
"pageid": 28971703,
"ns": 6,
"title": "File:RiveuferHerbst.JPG",
"lat": 51.501042,
"lon": 11.948794,
"dist": 142.8
"pageid": 32760810,
"ns": 6,
"title": "File:Pei\u00dfnitznordspitze4.JPG",
"lat": 51.499675,
"lon": 11.947992,
"dist": 143.6
如果您还想在 API 请求中选择缩略图 urllist=geosearch
"query": {
"pages": {
"28971703": {
"pageid": 28971703,
"ns": 6,
"title": "File:RiveuferHerbst.JPG",
"imagerepository": "local",
"imageinfo": [
"thumburl": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b2/RiveuferHerbst.JPG/200px-RiveuferHerbst.JPG",
"thumbwidth": 200,
"thumbheight": 150,
"url": "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/RiveuferHerbst.JPG",
"descriptionurl": "https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:RiveuferHerbst.JPG"