我遇到了 RegEx 和 Delphi 2k9 (Win32) 的问题。我收到以下错误:$7C812AFB 的第一次机会异常。异常类异常,带有消息“TPerlRegEx.Compile() - 请先在 RegEx 中指定正则表达式”。我从网站上获得了最新版本的 TPerlRegEx。使用其默认设置(使用 DLL)
我包括演示源代码。它使用由 RegExBuddy 生成的代码,最新版本。
德尔福 FORM
德尔福 PAS
数据来自 Google 外部关键字工具 RegEx 可以使用一些改进...但在 RegExBuddy 中有效,在 Delphi 中无效
unit Unit2;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, PerlRegEx;
TForm2 = class(TForm)
Memo1: TMemo;
Memo2: TMemo;
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form2: TForm2;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
Regex: TPerlRegEx;
GroupIndex: Integer;
Regex := TPerlRegEx.Create(nil);
Regex.RegEx := 'criteria\.push\(new kpCriterion\('(?P<keyword>(.*?))', (?P<number1>(.*?)),'#13#10'''(?P<localsearch>(.*?))'', ''(?P<globalsearch>(.*?))'', (?P<localsearchnum>(.*?)), (?P<globalsearchnum>(.*?)), (.*+)'#13#10','#13#10''\$(?P<price>(.*?))', (?P<number2>(.*?)),'#13#10''(?P<range>(.*?))', (?P<number3>(.*+))';
Regex.Options := [preMultiLine];
Regex.Subject := memo1.text;
if Regex.Match then begin
memo2.Lines.Add('Matches Found');
for GroupIndex := 0 to Regex.SubExpressionCount do begin
memo2.lines.add( Regex.SubExpressions[GroupIndex]); //Add Results to memo
// backreference text: Regex.SubExpressions[GroupIndex];
// backreference start: Regex.SubExpressionOffsets[GroupIndex];
// backreference length: Regex.SubExpressionLengths[GroupIndex];
until not Regex.MatchAgain;
memo2.Lines.Add('No-Matches Found');
object Form2: TForm2
Left = 0
Top = 0
Caption = 'Form2'
ClientHeight = 247
ClientWidth = 480
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
Font.Height = -11
Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
Font.Style = []
OldCreateOrder = False
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 8
Top = 8
Width = 185
Height = 89
Lines.Strings = (
'var showImpressions = false; var '
'criteriaSuggestor = '
''sensei_keyword'; var '
'historicalTimePeriod = 'Mar '
'2009 - Feb 2010'; var '
'historicalStartMonth = 2; var '
'impressionTimePeriod = '
''February'; var '
'criteriaGroupsArray = new Array(); '
'var captchaError = false; var '
'quotaExceeded = false;'
'var criteria = new Array();'
'var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'9;, 1.9117305278778076,'
#39'201,000'#39', '#39'550,000'#39', 201000, '
'550000, 0.8666667'
''$0.49', 493102,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'#39;, 1.9117305278778076,'
#39'33,100'#39', '#39'90,500'#39', 33100, 90500, '
''$0.49', 493102,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'042', 1.9117305278778076,'
#39'201,000'#39', '#39'450,000'#39', 201000, '
'450000, 0.8666667'
''$0.49', 493102,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'39;, 1.8268921375274658,'
#39'110,000'#39', '#39'201,000'#39', 110000, '
'201000, 0.8'
''$0.56', 559074,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'#39;, 1.8268921375274658,'
#39'22,200'#39', '#39'40,500'#39', 22200, 40500, '
''$0.56', 559074,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'\042', 1.8268921375274658,'
#39'110,000'#39', '#39'165,000'#39', 110000, '
'165000, 0.8'
''$0.56', 559074,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('lightning '
'storm', 1.774579644203186,'
#39'49,500'#39', '#39'90,500'#39', 49500, 90500, '
''$0.54', 535666,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('[lightning '
'storm]', 1.774579644203186,'
#39'12,100'#39', '#39'22,200'#39', 12100, 22200, '
''$0.54', 535666,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('\42lightning '
'storm\042', '
#39'33,100'#39', '#39'60,500'#39', 33100, 60500, '
''$0.54', 535666,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('rain storm', '
#39'27,100'#39', '#39'49,500'#39', 27100, 49500, '
''$0.53', 526334,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('[rain '
'storm]', '
#39'5,400'#39', '#39'8,100'#39', 5400, 8100, '
''$0.53', 526334,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('\42rain '
'storm\042', '
#39'14,800'#39', '#39'27,100'#39', 14800, 27100, '
''$0.53', 526334,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('lightning '
'storms', '
#39'14,800'#39', '#39'27,100'#39', 14800, 27100, '
''$0.42', 417108,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('[lightning '
'storms]', '
#39'3,600'#39', '#39'8,100'#39', 3600, 8100, '
''$0.42', 417108,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation = new '
'monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
')); monthlyVariation.push(new '
'criteria.push(new '
'kpCriterion('\42lightning '
'storms\042', '
#39'12,100'#39', '#39'22,200'#39', 12100, 22200, '
''$0.42', 417108,'
''1 - 3', 2'
')); var monthlyVariation =