我将 Sammy.js 用于我的单页应用程序。我想创建类似于 SO 的功能(当您输入问题并尝试离开页面时,它会询问您是否确定)。


$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(){
  return 'Are you sure you want to leave?';

问题在于,在单页应用程序中,用户实际上并没有离开页面,而是更改了document.location.hash他的页面(他可以通过关闭页面离开页面)。有没有办法为 SPA 制作类似的东西,最好是 sammy.js?


1 回答 1


在我的工作中,我们的单页 Web 应用程序中有一个类似的问题需要解决。我们有一些页面可能很脏,如果是,我们希望阻止导航离开该页面,直到用户确认可以这样做。由于我们想阻止导航,我们无法监听 onhashchange 事件,该事件是在哈希更改之后触发的,而不是之前。因此,我们决定覆盖默认的 LocationProxy 以包含允许我们在位置更改之前选择性地阻止导航的逻辑。


PreventableLocationProxy = (function () {
    function PreventableLocationProxy(delegateProxy, navigationValidators) {
        /// <summary>This is an implementation of a Sammy Location Proxy that allows cancelling of setting a location based on the validators passed in.</summary>
        /// <param name="delegateProxy" type="Sammy.DefaultLocationProxy">The Location Proxy which we will delegate all method calls to.</param>
        /// <param name="navigationValidators" type="Function" parameterArray="true" mayBeNull="true">One or more validator functions that will be called whenever someone tries to change the location.</param>
        this.delegateProxy = delegateProxy;
        this.navigationValidators = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

    PreventableLocationProxy.prototype.bind = function () {

    PreventableLocationProxy.prototype.unbind = function () {

    PreventableLocationProxy.prototype.getLocation = function () {
        return this.delegateProxy.getLocation();

    PreventableLocationProxy.prototype.setLocation = function (new_location) {
        var doNavigation = true;
        _.each(this.navigationValidators, function (navValidator) {
            if (_.isFunction(navValidator)) {
                // I don't just want to plug the result of the validator in, it could be anything!
                var okayToNavigate = navValidator(new_location);
                // A validator explicitly returning false should cancel the setLocation call. All other values will
                // allow navigation still.
                if (okayToNavigate === false) {
                    doNavigation = false;
        if (doNavigation) {
            return this.delegateProxy.setLocation(new_location);

    return PreventableLocationProxy;

这段代码本身非常简单,它是一个带有委托代理以及一个或多个验证器函数的 javascript 对象。如果这些验证器中的任何一个显式返回 false,则导航将被阻止并且位置不会改变。否则,允许导航。为了完成这项工作,我们必须覆盖锚标记的默认 onclick 处理以通过 Sammy.Application.setLocation 路由它。但是,一旦完成,这完全允许我们的应用程序处理脏页逻辑。


function preventNavigationIfDirty(new_location) {
    /// <summary>This is an implementation of a Sammy Location Proxy that allows cancelling of setting a location based on the validators passed in.</summary>
    /// <param name="new_location" type="String">The location that will be navigated to.</param>
    var currentPageModels = [];
    var dirtyPageModels = [];

    // Get the IDs of the current virtual page(s), if any exist.
    currentPageModels = _.keys(our.namespace.currentPageModels);

    // Iterate through all models on the current page, looking for any that are dirty and haven't had their changes abored.
    _.forEach(currentPageModels, function (currentPage) {
        if (currentPage.isDirty() && currentPage.cancelled === false) {

    // I only want to show a confirmation dialog if we actually have dirty pages that haven't been cancelled.
    if (dirtyPageModels.length > 0) {
        // Show a dialog with the buttons okay and cancel, and listen for the okay button's onclick event.
        our.namespace.confirmDirtyNavigation(true, function () {
            // If the user has said they want to navigate away, then mark all dirty pages with the cancelled
            // property then do the navigating again. No pages will then prevent the navigation, unlike this
            // first run.

            _.each(dirtyPageModels, function (dirtyPage) {
                dirtyPage.cancelled = true;


        // Returns false in order to explicitly cancel the navigation. We don't need to return anything in any
        // other case.
        return false;


于 2014-05-30T13:26:48.213 回答