I am trying some android development with kotlin. In my case I want to overwrite: ContentProvider where I have to overwrite the function "query". "query" returns "Cursor" type. However, when I create the Cursor instance in the function with database.query I get back a "Cursor?" type. So I can only return Cursor if it is not null, but what do I do if it is null?

This is what it basically looks like:

override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor {

    val cursor = queryBuilder.query(db, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder)
            // make sure that potential listeners are getting notified
            cursor?.setNotificationUri(getContext()?.getContentResolver(), uri)

            if(cursor != null)
                return cursor
                // what to do here?

Any Ideas how to solve that?

Thanks, Sven

UPDATE First of all thanks for the answers.

Annotation seems not to work in my case as I can only access the compiled code and I dont get the option to annotate the source. Maybe I am missing something here.

Implementing my own cursor Seems like overkill especially if I have to do it every time that problem occurs.

So it seems my only option is to return cursor!! But I dont know how exactly to do it. My code is a bit more complicated than in my example, I missed a when statement. This is an updated version:

override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor {

    val cursor = ??? //how to initialize cursor somehow?
    val db = database.getWritableDatabase()

    if(db != null) {
        val cursor = queryBuilder.query(db, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder)
                // make sure that potential listeners are getting notified
                cursor?.setNotificationUri(getContext()?.getContentResolver(), uri)

                if(cursor != null)
                    return cursor

    // return what here? cursor does not exist

Do I really have to implement my own cursor and clutter my code with useless "throw UnsupportedExceptions"?


5 回答 5



  • 如果cursornull,则抛出异常:(return cursor!!如果您确定这cursor实际上从未null
  • 如果cursornull,则返回一些微不足道的游标(例如,您自己的实现AbstractCursor表现为空结果集
  • (正如弗兰克在他的评论中所说)将QueryBuilder.query()函数注释为@NotNullhttp ://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/using-external-annotations/
于 2014-05-30T05:39:28.347 回答



对于 Promises,您可以在Kovenant库中找到相同的内容。有了 Kovenant,promise 可以立即解决,而不必是异步的。所以它作为一个通用的“我有一个结果,或者没有”库。

// ... in my function that returns Promise<Cursor, String>
if (good) {
   return Promise.ofSuccess<Cursor, String>(cursor)
else {
   return Promise.ofFail<Cursor, String>("no database connection")


myFuncMakingACursor() success { cursor ->
    //called when all is ok, and I have a cursor
} fail {
    //called when promise is rejected
} always {
    //no matter what result we get, this is always called once.

Promise 并不总是必须将错误作为失败类型。它们可以是你想要的任何东西。错误代码、错误消息、数据类或异常(如果您愿意)。


这些是 和 的良好 Kotlin 替代OptionalMaybe

使用空值也很好,在这些情况下有许多运算符可以帮助处理空值。 在 Kotlin 中,处理可空值、引用或转换它们的惯用方式是什么,这是另一篇 SO 帖子,涵盖可空性,一般解释一些可用的运算符(包括此处某些答案中使用的“安全调用”运算符)。

于 2015-12-29T20:29:32.157 回答
if (db != null){
} else {
    return null



于 2017-06-29T17:20:35.203 回答

可能您可以将函数 end : Cursor 更新为 : Cursor?例子:

override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, selection: String?, selectionArgs: Array<out String>?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor? {}
于 2020-12-09T12:55:50.490 回答

实际上有一个 hack 可以让你欺骗 Kotlin 编译器接受null一个不可为空的引用。


public class NullHack {
    private NullHack() {

    public static <T> T nullHack(@Nullable T object) {
        return object;


fun <T> T?.nullHack(): T = NullHack.nullHack(this)


override fun query(uri: Uri, projection: Array<out String>?, selection: String?,
        selectionArgs: Array<out String>?, sortOrder: String?): Cursor {

    val db = database.getWritableDatabase()!!
    val cursor = queryBuilder.query(db, projection, selection, selectionArgs,
            null, null, sortOrder)
    // make sure that potential listeners are getting notified
    cursor?.setNotificationUri(getContext()?.getContentResolver(), uri)
    return cursor.nullHack()
于 2014-09-30T12:32:20.640 回答