使用 PowerShell 添加和应用自定义页面布局时,它似乎只能在服务器上运行。当我尝试从外部打开页面时,我得到一个空白内容页面(母版页确实有效)。我工作的网站启用了发布功能。我用来应用的 PowerShell 代码:

$urlSiteRel = /sites/TheSiteName

$PageLayoutRelUrl = "$urlSiteRel/_catalogs/masterpage/MyPortalLayout.aspx"

# Get the Page URL
$PageName = "Portal.aspx"

# Get the Title of the Page which is going to get created
$PageTitle = "My Portal"

# Initialize the Site Object
$Site = Get-SPSite($urlSite)

# Get the Publishing Site based on the SPSite
$PubSite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingSite($Site)

# Get the SPWeb Object
$Web = Get-SPWeb $urlSite

# Initialize the PublishingWeb based on the SPWeb
$PubWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($Web)

# Get the PageLayouts Installed on the Publishing Site
$Layouts = $PubSite.GetPageLayouts($False)

# Get our PageLayout
$PageLayout = $Layouts[$PageLayoutRelUrl]

# Create a new publishing page.
$Page = $PubWeb.AddPublishingPage($PageName, $PageLayout)

# Assign the Title for the Page
$Page.Title = $PageTitle

# Update the Page

# Check in the Page with Comments

# Publish the Page With Comments

1 回答 1


我认为我$Layouts[$PageLayoutRelUrl]应该为您的页面布局而不是服务器相关提供 Web 相对 url。在我的我没有使用尾随/


$PageLayoutRelUrl = "_catalogs/masterpage/MyPortalLayout.aspx"
于 2014-05-26T11:57:16.483 回答