hi i have problem to using OCR filtur from microsoft office 2007
i wanna create something like in this tutorial in my laptop i already installed office 2007 but i can't find MODI (microsoft office document imaging 12.0 type library)

so far i already try to find it manualy in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MODI. but MODI folder not exist (weird because many article says that library come default if office 2007 installed)

then i try to download MODI libary from microsoft center. from this link i try to install MODI library (method 1) but it's seems that is not MODI i want (not MDIVWCTL.DLL)

i wonder why in my laptop don't available MODI library although i already install office 2007? and where to get library to install it manually?


1 回答 1


默认情况下,Office 2007 中未安装 MODI。您所指的链接与 Office 2010 相关。如果您使用的是 Vista 或更高版本,以下步骤可能会有所帮助:

  1. 退出所有程序。
  2. 单击开始按钮按钮图像,然后单击控制面板。
  3. 在控制面板中,单击程序,然后单击程序和功能。
  4. 右键单击您安装的 Microsoft Office 版本的名称或右键单击 Microsoft Office Word 2007(取决于您将 Word 作为 Office 的一部分还是作为单个程序安装),然后单击“更改”。
  5. 单击添加或删除功能,然后单击继续。
  6. 在安装选项下,单击 Office 工具旁边的加号 (+)。
  7. 单击 Microsoft Office Document Imaging 旁边的箭头,单击从我的计算机运行全部,然后单击继续。


于 2014-05-26T04:21:53.257 回答