我知道我的问题与已经在 SO 上提出的其他问题非常相似,但由于我找不到令人满意的答案,我试试运气!

是否知道是否可以使用NPOI库在 Excel 电子表格中生成图表。



4 回答 4


经过更多调查,我在这里得到了答案:http: //npoi.codeplex.com/releases/view/19351

不支持的功能:Excel 图表

因此,正如 Leniel 在他的博客中所解释的,我们需要使用主电子表格作为模板。


于 2010-03-05T11:29:27.023 回答

另一种在没有自动化的情况下创建图表的解决方案是使用第三方组件,例如这个SmartXLS for .Net,它可以从头开始创建图表/数据透视表。

于 2010-03-06T00:34:48.887 回答

对于带有图表的 NPOI 示例,请参见: http ://www.zachhunter.com/2010/05/npoi-excel-template/

于 2011-02-23T18:21:31.363 回答

我找到了解决这个问题的方法,因为我也遇到了同样的问题。使用 NPOI 的 C# 端口生成图表的好例子并不多。我认为大多数人使用模板和广告然后改变结果。

根据您需要的图表类型,必须使用不同的方法。我的示例是直接从我自己的与 2.5.2 一起使用的代码中窃取的,因此可能缺少像 sheet 这样的定义变量,因此您需要自己填写。


    IDrawing drawing = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch ( );
/* Define anchor points in the worksheet to position the chart */
IClientAnchor anchor = drawing.CreateAnchor ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 10, 23 );
row = row + 23;
/* Create the chart object based on the anchor point */
IChart barChart = drawing.CreateChart ( anchor );
/* Define legends for the line chart and set the position of the legend */
IChartLegend legend = barChart.GetOrCreateLegend ( );
legend.Position = LegendPosition.Bottom;
/* Create data for the chart */
IBarChartData<double, double> data = barChart.ChartDataFactory.CreateBarChartData<double, double> ( );
/* Define chart AXIS */
IChartAxis bottomAxis = barChart.ChartAxisFactory.CreateCategoryAxis ( AxisPosition.Bottom );
IValueAxis leftAxis = barChart.ChartAxisFactory.CreateValueAxis ( AxisPosition.Left );
leftAxis.Crosses = AxisCrosses.AutoZero;

/* Define Data sources for the chart */
/* Set the right cell range that contain values for the chart */
/* Pass the worksheet and cell range address as inputs */
/* Cell Range Address is defined as First row, last row, first column, last column */
int iDataPoints = dataSet.Tables[ "_CHART" ].Rows.Count + 1;

//Defines the rows/columns used for X-Axis data
IChartDataSource<double> xs = DataSources.FromNumericCellRange ( sheetChart, new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 0, 0 ) );
//Defines the rows/columns used for the line data
IChartDataSource<double> ys1 = DataSources.FromNumericCellRange ( sheetChart, new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 1, 1 ) );
/* Add chart data sources as data to the chart */
data.AddSeries ( xs, ys1 );

/* Plot the chart with the inputs from data and chart axis */
barChart.Plot ( data, new IChartAxis[] { bottomAxis, leftAxis } );


    /* At the end of this step, we have a worksheet with test data, that we want to write into a chart */
/* Create a drawing canvas on the worksheet */
IDrawing drawing = sheet.CreateDrawingPatriarch ( );
/* Define anchor points in the worksheet to position the chart */
IClientAnchor anchor = drawing.CreateAnchor ( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 10, 23 );
row = row + 23;
/* Create the chart object based on the anchor point */
IChart pieChart = drawing.CreateChart ( anchor );

XSSFChart xssfChart = (XSSFChart) pieChart;

MethodInfo dynMethod = xssfChart.GetType ( ).GetMethod ( "GetCTChart", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance );
object oCTChart = dynMethod.Invoke ( xssfChart, null );
CT_Chart ctChart = (CT_Chart) oCTChart;

//CT_PlotArea plotArea = xssfChart.GetCTChart ( ).plotArea == null ? xssfChart.GetCTChart ( ).AddNewPlotArea ( ) : xssfChart.GetCTChart ( ).plotArea;
CT_PlotArea plotArea = ctChart.plotArea == null ? ctChart.AddNewPlotArea ( ) : ctChart.plotArea;
var ctpieChart = plotArea.AddNewPie3DChart ( );

//CT_Pie3DChart ctpieChart = plotArea.AddNewPie3DChart ( );

CT_Boolean bVaryColor = new CT_Boolean ( );
bVaryColor.val = 1;
ctpieChart.varyColors = bVaryColor; // .AddNewVaryColors ( ).val = 1;// addNewVaryColors ( ).setVal ( true );
                                    //xssfChart. ( this.title );

IChartDataSource<double> xs = DataSources.FromNumericCellRange ( sheetChart, new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 0, 0 ) );
//Defines the rows/columns used for the line data
IChartDataSource<double> ys1 = DataSources.FromNumericCellRange ( sheetChart, new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 1, 1 ) );

String axisDataRange = new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 0, 0 ).FormatAsString ( sheetChart.SheetName, true );
String numDataRange = new CellRangeAddress ( 2, iDataPoints, 1, 1 ).FormatAsString ( sheetChart.SheetName, true );

CT_UnsignedInt uIval = new CT_UnsignedInt ( );
uIval.val = 0;

//Pie Chart Series
ctpieChart.ser = new List<CT_PieSer> ( );
CT_PieSer ser = new CT_PieSer ( ); //.AddNewSer ( );

ser.idx = uIval;
ser.order = uIval;

//Create category section
ser.cat = new CT_AxDataSource ( );
ser.cat.strRef = new CT_StrRef ( );
ser.cat.strRef.strCache = new CT_StrData ( );
ser.cat.strRef.f = axisDataRange;
CT_UnsignedInt uIRange = new CT_UnsignedInt ( );
uIRange.val = (uint) dataSet.Tables[ "_CHART" ].Rows.Count;
ser.cat.strRef.strCache.ptCount = uIRange;

//Create value section
ser.val = new CT_NumDataSource ( );
ser.val.numRef = new CT_NumRef ( );
ser.val.numRef.f = numDataRange;
ser.val.numRef.numCache = new CT_NumData ( );
ser.val.numRef.numCache.formatCode = "General";
ser.val.numRef.numCache.ptCount = uIRange;

//Create Pts array
ser.dPt = new List<CT_DPt> ( );

//Create Category Pts
ser.cat.strRef.strCache.pt = new List<CT_StrVal> ( );

//Create Value Pts
ser.val.numRef.numCache.pt = new List<CT_NumVal> ( );

//Create Chart Styles/Settings
ser.dLbls = new CT_DLbls ( );
ser.dLbls.spPr = new CT_ShapeProperties ( );
ser.dLbls.spPr.noFill = new NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_NoFillProperties ( );
ser.dLbls.spPr.ln = new NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_LineProperties ( );
ser.dLbls.spPr.ln.noFill = new NPOI.OpenXmlFormats.Dml.CT_NoFillProperties ( );
ser.dLbls.showSerName = new CT_Boolean ( ) { val = 0 };
ser.dLbls.showPercent = new CT_Boolean ( ) { val = 0 };

//Add the series
ctpieChart.ser.Add ( ser );

//Loop through points and add to arrays
for ( int iPt = 0; iPt < dataSet.Tables[ "_CHART" ].Rows.Count; iPt++ )
    CT_UnsignedInt uIPt = new CT_UnsignedInt ( );
    uIPt.val = (uint) iPt;

    //Create Pt
    CT_DPt oPt = new CT_DPt ( );
    oPt.idx = uIPt;
    ser.dPt.Add ( oPt );

    //Create Label Pt
    CT_StrVal cPt = new CT_StrVal ( );
    cPt.idx = (uint) iPt;
    cPt.v = dataSet.Tables[ "_CHART" ].Rows[ iPt ][ "Label" ].ToString ( );
    ser.cat.strRef.strCache.pt.Add ( cPt );

    //Create Value Pt
    CT_NumVal vPt = new CT_NumVal ( );
    vPt.idx = (uint) iPt;
    vPt.v = dataSet.Tables[ "_CHART" ].Rows[ iPt ][ "Value" ].ToString ( );
    ser.val.numRef.numCache.pt.Add ( vPt );
于 2021-03-08T17:24:25.190 回答