第一次尝试使用 3 个 minipages(参见下面的代码)。这看起来不错,因为图形编号与图形中间垂直对齐。然而,当图形的宽度接近页面的宽度时,事情就开始崩溃了。此外,它在分页符处的表现也不是很好。
第二次尝试使用带有不同标签的 equation 环境。除了我不知道这样做是否明智之外,它还会在下一段的开头产生额外的空白。它也不会在中心垂直对齐标签,而是将其放在底部。
% Attempt 1
% Uses 3 minipages.
% Breaks if figure is wide, and at the bottom of a page.
\newlength{\figlabelwidth} % width of label
\newlength{\imgwidth} % max. width of figure
\refstepcounter{figure} % increase figure number
\begin{center} % don't know if this is necessary
\setlength{\figlabelwidth}{\widthof{(Fig. \thefigure)}}
\setlength{\imgwidth}{\textwidth - \figlabelwidth - \figlabelwidth}
\setlength{\imgwidth}{0.9\imgwidth} % to be on the safe side
\begin{minipage}{\figlabelwidth}\makebox[\figlabelwidth]{}\end{minipage} % ghost minipage for centering
\begin{minipage}{\imgwidth}\begin{center} % minipage for figure
\begin{minipage}{\figlabelwidth}(Fig. \thefigure)\end{minipage} % minipage for label
% Attempt 2
% Uses an equation environment with relabeled labels.
% Label is not centered vertically, and produces extra whitespace in the paragraph after it.
\def\theoldequation{\theequation} % save the old equation format
\refstepcounter{figure} % increase figure number
\def\theequation{Fig. \arabic{figure}} % switch to figure numbering
\def\theequation{\theoldequation} % reset to old equation label format
\addtocounter{equation}{-1} % correct the equation numbering
\noindent \lipsum[1]
\draw (0,0) grid +(12,2);
\draw (0,0) grid +(12,2);