来利用 gensims 的功能。但是,我遇到了一个 IndexError,我不确定在创建lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=checker.dictionary, num_topics=int(options.number_of_topics))
我使用的文档与 gensim 教程中使用的文档相同,我将其放入 tutorial_example.txt:
$ cat tutorial_example.txt
Human machine interface for lab abc computer applications
A survey of user opinion of computer system response time
The EPS user interface management system
System and human system engineering testing of EPS
Relation of user perceived response time to error measurement
The generation of random binary unordered trees
The intersection graph of paths in trees
Graph minors IV Widths of trees and well quasi ordering
Graph minors A survey
$./gensim_topic_modeling.py -mn2 -w'english' -l1 tutorial_example.txt
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./gensim_topic_modeling.py", line 98, in <module>
lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=checker.dictionary, num_topics=int(options.number_of_topics))
File "/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldamodel.py", line 306, in __init__
File "/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldamodel.py", line 543, in update
self.log_perplexity(chunk, total_docs=lencorpus)
File "/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldamodel.py", line 454, in log_perplexity
perwordbound = self.bound(chunk, subsample_ratio=subsample_ratio) / (subsample_ratio * corpus_words)
File "/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldamodel.py", line 630, in bound
gammad, _ = self.inference([doc])
File "/Users/me/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/gensim/models/ldamodel.py", line 366, in inference
expElogbetad = self.expElogbeta[:, ids]
IndexError: index 7 is out of bounds for axis 1 with size 7
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import sys
import re
import codecs
import logging
import fileinput
from operator import *
from itertools import *
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from gensim import corpora, models, similarities, matutils
import argparse
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
sys.stdout = codecs.getwriter('utf-8')(sys.stdout)
sys.stdin = codecs.getreader('utf-8')(sys.stdin)
def stop_word_gen():
nltk_langs=['danish', 'dutch', 'english', 'french', 'german', 'italian','norwegian', 'portuguese', 'russian', 'spanish', 'swedish']
stoplist = []
for lang in options.stop_langs.split(","):
if lang not in nltk_langs:
sys.stderr.write('\n'+"Language {0} not supported".format(lang)+'\n')
return stoplist
def clean_texts(texts):
# remove tokens that appear only once
all_tokens = sum(texts, [])
tokens_once = set(word for word in set(all_tokens) if all_tokens.count(word) == 1)
return [[word for word in text if word not in tokens_once] for text in texts]
class corpus(object):
"""sparse vector matrix and dictionary"""
def __iter__(self):
for line in fileinput.FileInput(options.input, openhook=fileinput.hook_encoded("utf-8")):
# assume there's one document per line; tokenizer option determines how to split
if options.space_tokenizer:
rl = re.compile('\s+', re.UNICODE).split(unicode(line,'utf-8'))
rl = re.compile('\W+', re.UNICODE).split(tagRE.sub(' ',line))
# create dictionary
tokens=[token.strip().lower() for token in rl if token != '' and token.strip().lower() not in stoplist]
if first:
yield self.dictionary.doc2bow(tokens)
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Topic model from a column of text. Each line is a document in the corpus")
parser.add_argument("input", metavar="args")
parser.add_argument("-l", "--document-frequency-limit", dest="doc_freq_limit", default=1,
help="Remove all tokens less than or equal to limit (default 1)")
parser.add_argument("-m", "--create-model", dest="create_model", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Create and save a model from existing dictionary and input corpus.")
parser.add_argument("-n", "--number-of-topics", dest="number_of_topics", default=2,
help="Number of topics (default 2)")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--space-tokenizer", dest="space_tokenizer", default=False, action="store_true",
help="Use alternate whitespace tokenizer")
parser.add_argument("-w", "--stop-word-languages", dest="stop_langs", default="danish,dutch,english,french,german,italian,norwegian,portuguese,russian,spanish,swedish",
help="Desired languages for stopword lists")
options = parser.parse_args()
tagRE = re.compile(r'<.*?>', re.UNICODE) # Remove xml/html tags
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s : %(levelname)s : %(message)s', level=logging.INFO, filename="topic-modeling-log")
logr = logging.getLogger("topic_model")
logr.info("#"*15 + " started " + "#"*15)
##instance of class
logr.info("#"*15 + " SPARSE MATRIX (pre-filter)" + "#"*15)
##view sparse matrix and dictionary
for vector in checker:
logr.info("#"*15 + " DICTIONARY (pre-filter)" + "#"*15)
logr.info("#"*15 + " DICTIONARY (post-filter)" + "#"*15)
##Create lda model
if options.create_model:
tfidf = models.TfidfModel(checker,normalize=False)
print tfidf
logr.info("#"*15 + " corpus_tfidf " + "#"*15)
corpus_tfidf = tfidf[checker]
logr.info("#"*15 + " lda " + "#"*15)
lda = models.ldamodel.LdaModel(corpus_tfidf, id2word=checker.dictionary, num_topics=int(options.number_of_topics))
logr.info("#"*15 + " corpus_lda " + "#"*15)
corpus_lda = lda[corpus_tfidf]
##Evaluate topics based on threshold
scores = list(chain(*[[score for topic,score in topic] \
for topic in [doc for doc in corpus_lda]]))
threshold = sum(scores)/len(scores)
print "threshold:",threshold
cluster1 = [j for i,j in zip(corpus_lda,documents) if i[0][1] > threshold]
cluster2 = [j for i,j in zip(corpus_lda,documents) if i[1][1] > threshold]
cluster3 = [j for i,j in zip(corpus_lda,documents) if i[2][1] > threshold]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,482 : INFO : ############### started ###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : ############### SPARSE MATRIX (pre-filter)###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : built Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...) from 1 documents (total 7 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (4, 1), (5, 1), (6, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : built Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...) from 2 documents (total 14 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : [(2, 1), (7, 1), (8, 1), (9, 1), (10, 1), (11, 1), (12, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,483 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : built Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...) from 3 documents (total 19 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : [(4, 1), (10, 1), (12, 1), (13, 1), (14, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : built Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...) from 4 documents (total 25 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : [(3, 1), (10, 2), (13, 1), (15, 1), (16, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : built Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...) from 5 documents (total 32 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : [(8, 1), (11, 1), (12, 1), (17, 1), (18, 1), (19, 1), (20, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : built Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 6 documents (total 37 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,484 : INFO : [(21, 1), (22, 1), (23, 1), (24, 1), (25, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : built Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 7 documents (total 41 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : [(24, 1), (26, 1), (27, 1), (28, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 8 documents (total 49 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : [(24, 1), (26, 1), (29, 1), (30, 1), (31, 1), (32, 1), (33, 1), (34, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 9 documents (total 52 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : [(9, 1), (26, 1), (30, 1)]
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : ############### DICTIONARY (pre-filter)###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,485 : INFO : {'minors': 30, 'generation': 22, 'testing': 16, 'iv': 29, 'engineering': 15, 'computer': 2, 'relation': 20, 'human': 3, 'measurement': 18, 'unordered': 25, 'binary': 21, 'abc': 0, 'ordering': 31, 'graph': 26, 'system': 10, 'machine': 6, 'quasi': 32, 'random': 23, 'paths': 28, 'error': 17, 'trees': 24, 'lab': 5, 'applications': 1, 'management': 14, 'user': 12, 'interface': 4, 'intersection': 27, 'response': 8, 'perceived': 19, 'widths': 34, 'well': 33, 'eps': 13, 'survey': 9, 'time': 11, 'opinion': 7}
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : keeping 12 tokens which were in no less than 2 and no more than 4 (=50.0%) documents
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : resulting dictionary: Dictionary(12 unique tokens: ['minors', 'graph', 'system', 'trees', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : ############### DICTIONARY (post-filter)###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : Dictionary(12 unique tokens: ['minors', 'graph', 'system', 'trees', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : {'minors': 0, 'graph': 1, 'system': 2, 'trees': 3, 'eps': 4, 'computer': 5, 'survey': 6, 'user': 7, 'human': 8, 'time': 9, 'interface': 10, 'response': 11}
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : collecting document frequencies
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : built Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...) from 1 documents (total 7 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : PROGRESS: processing document #0
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : built Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...) from 2 documents (total 14 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,486 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : built Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...) from 3 documents (total 19 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : built Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...) from 4 documents (total 25 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : built Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...) from 5 documents (total 32 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : built Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 6 documents (total 37 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,487 : INFO : built Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 7 documents (total 41 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 8 documents (total 49 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 9 documents (total 52 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : calculating IDF weights for 9 documents and 34 features (51 matrix non-zeros)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : ############### corpus_tfidf ###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2014-05-25 02:58:50,488 : INFO : built Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...) from 1 documents (total 7 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : ############### lda ###############
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : using symmetric alpha at 0.5
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : using serial LDA version on this node
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : WARNING : input corpus stream has no len(); counting documents
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : built Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...) from 1 documents (total 7 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : built Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...) from 2 documents (total 14 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,489 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : built Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...) from 3 documents (total 19 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : built Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...) from 4 documents (total 25 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : built Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...) from 5 documents (total 32 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : built Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 6 documents (total 37 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,490 : INFO : built Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 7 documents (total 41 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 8 documents (total 49 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 9 documents (total 52 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : running online LDA training, 2 topics, 1 passes over the supplied corpus of 9 documents, updating model once every 9 documents, evaluating perplexity every 9 documents, iterating 50 with a convergence threshold of 0
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : WARNING : too few updates, training might not converge; consider increasing the number of passes or iterations to improve accuracy
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(0 unique tokens: [])
2014-05-25 02:58:50,491 : INFO : built Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...) from 1 documents (total 7 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(7 unique tokens: ['abc', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications', 'computer']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : built Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...) from 2 documents (total 14 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(13 unique tokens: ['abc', 'system', 'lab', 'machine', 'applications']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : built Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...) from 3 documents (total 19 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(15 unique tokens: ['abc', 'management', 'system', 'lab', 'eps']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : built Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...) from 4 documents (total 25 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(17 unique tokens: ['abc', 'testing', 'management', 'system', 'lab']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,492 : INFO : built Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...) from 5 documents (total 32 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(21 unique tokens: ['measurement', 'perceived', 'abc', 'testing', 'management']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : built Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 6 documents (total 37 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(26 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : built Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...) from 7 documents (total 41 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(29 unique tokens: ['generation', 'testing', 'engineering', 'computer', 'relation']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 8 documents (total 49 corpus positions)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : adding document #0 to Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...)
2014-05-25 02:58:50,493 : INFO : built Dictionary(35 unique tokens: ['minors', 'generation', 'testing', 'iv', 'engineering']...) from 9 documents (total 52 corpus positions)