评论中提到的方法,用 JGraphT 实现:
这是相当微不足道的,所以我假设有一个更复杂的解决方案。特别是检查是否存在路径(即使是简单的 BFS)对于“更大”的图可能会变得过于昂贵。
编辑:通过第一次尝试(!)实现原始问题中提到的拓扑约束来扩展代码。它基本上遵循与简单方法相同的概念:对于每条边,如果边被移除,它检查边的顶点是否仍然连接。但是,这种检查顶点是否连接不是通过简单的 BFS 完成的,而是通过“受约束的”BFS 完成的。这个 BFS 会跳过所有拓扑索引大于边的末端顶点的拓扑索引的顶点。
如果结果是正确的,它确实可以更有效。该程序打印在简单 BFS 期间和受约束 BFS 期间扫描的顶点数。受约束的 BFS 的顶点数量较少,当图变大时,这个优势应该会变得更大:简单的 BFS 基本上总是必须扫描所有边,导致 O(e) 的最坏情况,并且复杂度整个算法的 O(e*e)。拓扑排序的复杂性取决于图的结构,但对于所讨论的图应该是线性的。但是,我没有明确分析受约束的 BFS 的复杂性是什么。
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jgrapht.DirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.Graph;
import org.jgrapht.graph.DefaultEdge;
import org.jgrapht.graph.SimpleDirectedGraph;
import org.jgrapht.traverse.BreadthFirstIterator;
import org.jgrapht.traverse.TopologicalOrderIterator;
public class TransitiveGraphTest
public static void main(String[] args)
DirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> g =
Set<DefaultEdge> resultSimple = compute(g);
Set<DefaultEdge> resultTopological = computeTopological(g);
System.out.println("Result simple "+resultSimple);
System.out.println("Visited "+debugCounterSimple);
System.out.println("Result topological "+resultTopological);
System.out.println("Visited "+debugCounterTopological);
private static int debugCounterSimple = 0;
private static int debugCounterTopological = 0;
// Simple approach: For each edge, check with a BFS whether its vertices
// are still connected after removing the edge
private static <V, E> Set<E> compute(DirectedGraph<V, E> g)
Set<E> result = new LinkedHashSet<E>();
Set<E> edgeSet = new LinkedHashSet<E>(g.edgeSet());
for (E e : edgeSet)
V v0 = g.getEdgeSource(e);
V v1 = g.getEdgeTarget(e);
if (!connected(g, v0, v1))
g.addEdge(v0, v1);
return result;
private static <V, E> boolean connected(Graph<V, E> g, V v0, V v1)
BreadthFirstIterator<V, E> i =
new BreadthFirstIterator<V, E>(g, v0);
while (i.hasNext())
V n = i.next();
if (n.equals(v1))
return true;
return false;
// Topological approach: For each edge, check whether its vertices
// are still connected after removing the edge, using a BFS that
// is "constrained", meaning that it does not traverse past
// vertices whose topological index is greater than the end
// vertex of the edge
private static <V, E> Set<E> computeTopological(DirectedGraph<V, E> g)
Map<V, Integer> indices = computeTopologicalIndices(g);
Set<E> result = new LinkedHashSet<E>();
Set<E> edgeSet = new LinkedHashSet<E>(g.edgeSet());
for (E e : edgeSet)
V v0 = g.getEdgeSource(e);
V v1 = g.getEdgeTarget(e);
boolean constrainedConnected =
constrainedConnected(g, v0, v1, indices);
if (!constrainedConnected)
return result;
private static <V, E> Map<V, Integer> computeTopologicalIndices(
DirectedGraph<V, E> g)
Queue<V> q = new ArrayDeque<V>();
TopologicalOrderIterator<V, E> i =
new TopologicalOrderIterator<V, E>(g, q);
Map<V, Integer> indices = new LinkedHashMap<V, Integer>();
int index = 0;
while (i.hasNext())
V v = i.next();
indices.put(v, index);
return indices;
private static <V, E> boolean constrainedConnected(
DirectedGraph<V, E> g, V v0, V v1, Map<V, Integer> indices)
Integer indexV1 = indices.get(v1);
Set<V> visited = new LinkedHashSet<V>();
Queue<V> q = new LinkedList<V>();
while (!q.isEmpty())
V v = q.remove();
if (v.equals(v1))
return true;
Set<E> outs = g.outgoingEdgesOf(v);
for (E out : outs)
V ev0 = g.getEdgeSource(out);
V ev1 = g.getEdgeTarget(out);
if (ev0.equals(v0) && ev1.equals(v1))
V n = g.getEdgeTarget(out);
if (visited.contains(n))
Integer indexN = indices.get(n);
if (indexN <= indexV1)
return false;
private static DirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> createTestGraph()
DirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge> g =
new SimpleDirectedGraph<String, DefaultEdge>(DefaultEdge.class);
String v0 = "0";
String v1 = "1";
String v2 = "2";
String v3 = "3";
String v4 = "4";
g.addEdge(v0, v1);
g.addEdge(v0, v3);
g.addEdge(v1, v2);
g.addEdge(v3, v4);
g.addEdge(v4, v2);
g.addEdge(v0, v2);
g.addEdge(v0, v4);
g.addEdge(v3, v2);
return g;