我似乎找不到任何关于 Ableton 用于有效检测无调打击并将其转换为 MIDI 的过程的信息。我假设执行了特征提取和起始检测算法,但我对什么算法很感兴趣。我特别感兴趣的是它是如何为节拍输入保持效率的。
我似乎找不到任何关于 Ableton 用于有效检测无调打击并将其转换为 MIDI 的过程的信息。我假设执行了特征提取和起始检测算法,但我对什么算法很感兴趣。我特别感兴趣的是它是如何为节拍输入保持效率的。
你的猜测和其他人的一样好——尽管它们看起来很合理。现实情况是,在 Ableton 中实现此功能的方式是商业机密,并且可能会保持这种状态。
如果我没记错的话,Ableton 会从https://www.zplane.de/获得这些技术的许可。
我不完全知道软件如何分配不同的鼓声,但现场手册将鼓转换为新的 MIDI 轨道中的章节说它只能检测底鼓、军鼓和踩镲。重要的是它们由瞬态标记标识。为了获得好的结果,您应该手动检查和调整它们。瞬态标记看起来像经线标记,但是是灰色的。
compared to a kick and a snare for example, a beatboxed input is likely to have less difference between the individual sounds and therefore likely to be harder for Ableton to individually extract the seperate sounds (depends on the beatboxer). In any case, some combination of frequency and amplitude - more specifically(Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) as well as perhaps the different overtone combinations that account for differences in timbre are going to be the characteristics that would have to be evaluated in order to separate the kick snare and hihat .
Before this feature existed I used gates and hi/low pass filters to accomplish a similar task. So perhaps Ableton's solution is not as complicated as we might imagine.