我正在使用Jekyll Bootstrap。我可以发布一篇文章,但是我不知道为什么帖子模板放在{% include JB/setup %}
每个帖子降价文件中。我对 ruby 和 Jekyll 知之甚少。但是我检查了一些文件,我可以理解一些代码。但我仍然不知道这是什么意思:
{% capture jbcache %}
- Dynamically set liquid variables for working with URLs/paths
{% if site.JB.setup.provider == "custom" %}
{% include custom/setup %}
{% else %}
{% if site.safe and site.JB.BASE_PATH and site.JB.BASE_PATH != '' %}
{% assign BASE_PATH = site.JB.BASE_PATH %}
{% assign HOME_PATH = site.JB.BASE_PATH %}
{% else %}
{% assign BASE_PATH = nil %}
{% assign HOME_PATH = "/" %}
{% endif %}
{% if site.JB.ASSET_PATH %}
{% assign ASSET_PATH = site.JB.ASSET_PATH %}
{% else %}
{% capture ASSET_PATH %}{{ BASE_PATH }}/assets/themes/{{ page.theme.name }}{% endcapture %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endcapture %}{% assign jbcache = nil %}
- 为什么我应该在 Jekyll bootstrap 的每个帖子中添加 {% include JB/setup %} ?
- 我可以修改模板以删除每个帖子中的 {% include JB/setup %} 吗?