如何在 jquery 的数据表插件中获取列 id 我需要列 id 来更新数据库。


8 回答 8



从特定单元格的 DOM 元素中获取特定单元格的数组索引。最好与 fnGetData() 结合使用。


nNode :要查找其位置的节点。这可能是表格中的“TR”行或“TD”单元格。返回参数取决于此输入。


int 或 array [ int, int, int ] :如果节点是表行 (TR),则返回值将是带有 aoData 对象中行索引的整数。如果节点是表格单元(TD),则返回值将是一个数组,其中包含[ aoData index row, column index (discounting hidden rows), column index (including hidden rows)]。


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#example tbody td').click( function () {
        /* Get the position of the current data from the node */
        var aPos = oTable.fnGetPosition( this );

        /* Get the data array for this row */
        var aData = oTable.fnGetData( aPos[0] );

        /* Update the data array and return the value */
        aData[ aPos[1] ] = 'clicked';
        this.innerHTML = 'clicked';
    } );

    /* Init DataTables */
    oTable = $('#example').dataTable();
} );


于 2010-03-05T02:09:39.927 回答

我认为上面来自 datatables.net 网站的股票答案没有帮助,也没有回答问题。


这是获取给定单元格的 sTitle(列名值)的方法

(请注意,我在每一行的第一列都有我的主键,并确保即使使用 ColReorder 的可移动列 iFixedColumns 为 1,以将该键保留在第一列中。我的数据表由 oTable 引用。我假设我有单元格 DOM 引用,我在下面将其称为“目标”):

var value = target.innerHTML;
var ret_arr = oTable.fnGetPosition( target );  // returns array of 3 indexes [ row, col_visible, col_all]
var row = ret_arr[0];
var col = ret_arr[1];
var data_row = oTable.fnGetData(row);
var primary_key = data_row[0];

var oSettings = oTable.fnSettings();  // you can find all sorts of goodies in the Settings
var col_id = oSettings.aoColumns[col].sTitle;  //for this code, we just want the sTitle

// you now have enough info to craft your SQL update query.  I'm outputting to alert box instead    
alert('update where id="'+primary_key+'" set column "'+col_id+'" ('+row+', '+col+') to "'+value+'"');

这是我自己必须弄清楚的事情,因为我使用 JEditable 来允许用户编辑表格中的单元格。

于 2011-05-27T17:46:48.037 回答

The code snippet above actually helped me solve this issue for my particular situation. Here's my code:

// My DataTable
var oTable;

$(document).ready(function() {
    /*  You might need to set the sSwfPath! Something like:
    *   TableToolsInit.sSwfPath = "/media/swf/ZeroClipboard.swf";
    TableToolsInit.sSwfPath = "../../Application/JqueryPlugIns/TableTools/swf/ZeroClipboard.swf";

    oTable = $('#tblFeatures').dataTable({
        // "sDom": '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>', // this is the standard setting for use with jQueryUi, no TableTool
        // "sDom": '<"H"lfrT>t<"F"ip>', // this adds TableTool in the center of the header
        "sDom": '<"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>T', // this adds TableTool after the footer
        // "sDom": '<"H"lfrT>t<"F"ip>T', // this adds TableTool in the center of the header and after the footer
        "oLanguage": { "sSearch": "Filter this data:" },
        "iDisplayLength": 25,
        "bJQueryUI": true,
        // "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
        "aaSorting": [[0, "asc"]],
        "bProcessing": true,
        "bStateSave": true, // remembers table state via cookies
        "aoColumns": [
        /* CustomerId */{"bVisible": false },
        /* OrderId */{"bVisible": false },
        /* OrderDetailId */{"bVisible": false },
        /* StateId */{"bVisible": false },
        /* Product */null,
        /* Description */null,
        /* Rating */null,
        /* Price */null

    // uncomment this if you want a fixed header
    // don't forget to reference the "FixedHeader.js" file.
    // new FixedHeader(oTable);

// Add a click handler to the rows - this could be used as a callback
// Most of this section of code is from the DataTables.net site
$('#tblFeatures tr').click(function() {
    if ($(this).hasClass('row_selected')) {
    else {

        // Call fnGetSelected function to get a list of selected rows
        // and pass that array into fnGetIdsOfSelectedRows function.

function fnGetSelected(oTableLocal) {
    var aReturn = new Array();

    // fnGetNodes is a built in DataTable function
    // aTrs == array of table rows
    var aTrs = oTableLocal.fnGetNodes();

    // put all rows that have a class of 'row_selected' into
    // the returned array
    for (var i = 0; i < aTrs.length; i++) {
        if ($(aTrs[i]).hasClass('row_selected')) {

    return aReturn;

// This code is purposefully verbose.
// This is the section of code that will get the values of
// hidden columns in a datatable
function fnGetIdsOfSelectedRows(oSelectedRows) {
    var aRowIndexes = new Array();
    var aRowData = new Array();
    var aReturn = new Array();
    var AllValues;

    aRowIndexes = oSelectedRows;    

    // The first 4 columns in my DataTable are id's and are hidden.
    // Column0 = CustomerId
    // Column1 = OrderId
    // Column2 = OrderDetailId
    // Column3 = StateId

    // Here I loop through the selected rows and create a
    // comma delimited array of id's that I will be sending
    // back to the server for processing.
    for(var i = 0; i < aRowIndexes.length; i++){
        // fnGetData is a built in function of the DataTable
        // I'm grabbing the data from rowindex "i"
        aRowData = oTable.fnGetData(aRowIndexes[i]);

        // I'm just concatenating the values and storing them
        // in an array for each selected row.
        AllValues = aRowData[0] + ',' + aRowData[1] + ',' + aRowData[2] + ',' + aRowData[3];

    return aReturn;
于 2010-05-12T15:34:11.760 回答

这是单击行后如何获取 id 的示例

$('#example tbody tr').live('click', function() {
         var row = example .fnGetData(this);
         id=row['id'];//or row[0] depend of situation

如果您需要表中的所有 id,则必须使用如下代码:

$(exampleTable.fnGetNodes()).each(function() { 

    var aPos = exampleTable.fnGetPosition(this);
    var aData = exampleTable.fnGetData(aPos[0]);
    aData[aPos[0]] = this.cells[0].innerHTML; 



于 2012-09-12T16:11:29.947 回答

像这样一个简单的问题值得一个很好的简单 jQuery 解决方案。

假设您的 id 在第 0 行,并且您希望在对第 5 行执行操作时访问它,例如

$('td:eq(5)').click(function (){
    var id  = $(this).parent().find('td:eq(0)').html();
    alert('The id is ' + id);


我同意@fbas 的股票答案并没有真正的帮助。

于 2011-11-13T21:07:00.277 回答


/* Get the rows which are currently selected */
function fnGetSelected(oTableLocal) {
    var aReturn = new Array();
    var aTrs = oTableLocal.fnGetNodes();

    for (var i = 0; i < aTrs.length; i++) {
        if ($(aTrs[i]).hasClass('row_selected')) {
    // console.log( aReturn);
    return aReturn;

$(function() {

    $('#btn_EditCustomer').on('click', function(e) {
        var anSelected = fnGetSelected(oTable);
        var rowData = oTable.fnGetData(anSelected[0]);
});  </script>
于 2013-09-22T11:52:53.777 回答

我的解决方案如下:将主键作为第一列 - 这可以设置为“可见”或不设置。我的编辑和删除链接位于该行的最后一列和最后一列 - 它们分别具有“编辑”和“删除”的 css 类。然后使用 rowCallBack,调用如下函数:

<!-- datatables initialisation -->
"rowCallback": function( row, data ) {
    setCrudLinks(row, data);                  

function setCrudLinks(row, data) {
    d = $(row).find('a.delete');
    d.attr('href', d.attr('href')+'/'+data[0]);
    e = $(row).find('a.edit');
    e.attr('href', e.attr('href')+'/'+data[0]);

setCrudLinks() 只是将主键 (data[0]) 附加到链接 href 的末尾(可能需要的任何内容)。这发生在表格渲染之前,因此也适用于分页。

于 2014-09-16T15:56:04.563 回答

我有相同的用例,最终将我的代码转变成一个 datatables.net 插件。仓库在这里:DataTables CellEdit Plugin


    "onUpdate": myCallbackFunction

myCallbackFunction = function (updatedCell, updatedRow) {
    var columnIndex = cell.index().column;
    var columnHeader = $(table.column(columnIndex).header()).html();
    console.log("The header  is: " + columnHeader);
    console.log("The new value for the cell is: " + updatedCell.data());
于 2016-03-28T16:29:08.203 回答