Using Enthought Canopy v1.4 on Mac (Mavericks) I have Canopy setup as my default Python environment.

Whenever I try to call mlab.show() or mlab.savefig() it fails with:

This program needs access to the screen.
Please run with a Framework build of python, and only when you are
logged in on the main display of your Mac.

Python is loaded from ~/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64Bit/System/Python which is a symlink to Applications/Canopy/appdata/canopy-

Is there any way I can keep using Canopy (for its easy install of Mayavi/mlab) and use a Framework build of python for Terminal use?


1 回答 1


已知错误,在下周的 Canopy 1.4.1 中修复。此处的解决方法:https: //support.enthought.com/entries/22601196-wxPython-2-8-and-2-9


1)如果您正在加载Canopy_64Bit/System/Python,那么这是一个错误,而不是引用的文章所指向的内容(应该是 Canopy_64Bit/User/bin/python)。(sys.prefix应该指向用户)。

2) 无需将 Canopy 设为终端中的默认 Python。只需在 Canopy 首选项中取消设置,从 Canopy GUI 运行 Canopy User Python,如果您确实想在终端中运行 Canopy User Python,只需使用 Canopy 的工具 / Canopy 终端命令(Canopy 1.4 中的新功能)。

于 2014-05-22T21:41:46.673 回答