当我尝试创建一个迭代组合框时,我是集会应用程序 SDK 的新手,并尝试做教程(来自 Youtube 和集会网站),该对象已创建但没有值(“没有定义迭代”)。我试图从 github (session_4_interactive_grid) 运行两个视频教程代码
// Custom Rally App that displays Defects in a grid and filter by Iteration and/or Severity.
// Note: various console debugging messages intentionally kept in the code for learning purposes
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
defectStore: undefined, // app level references to the store and grid for easy access in various methods
defectGrid: undefined,
// Entry Point to App
launch: function() {
console.log('our second app'); // see console api: https://developers.google.com/chrome-developer-tools/docs/console-api
this.pulldownContainer = Ext.create('Ext.container.Container', { // this container lets us control the layout of the pulldowns; they'll be added below
id: 'pulldown-container-id',
layout: {
type: 'hbox', // 'horizontal' layout
align: 'stretch'
this.add(this.pulldownContainer); // must add the pulldown container to the app to be part of the rendering lifecycle, even though it's empty at the moment
// create iteration pulldown and load iterations
_loadIterations: function() {
this.iterComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.IterationComboBox', {
fieldLabel: 'Iteration',
labelAlign: 'right',
width: 300,
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // on ready: during initialization of the app, once Iterations are loaded, lets go get Defect Severities
select: function(combobox, records) { // on select: after the app has fully loaded, when the user 'select's an iteration, lets just relaod the data
scope: this
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.iterComboBox); // add the iteration list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// create defect severity pulldown then load data
_loadSeverities: function() {
this.severityComboBox = Ext.create('Rally.ui.combobox.FieldValueComboBox', {
model: 'Defect',
field: 'Severity',
fieldLabel: 'Severity',
labelAlign: 'right',
listeners: {
ready: function(combobox) { // this is the last 'data' pulldown we're loading so both events go to just load the actual defect data
select: function(combobox, records) {
scope: this // <--- don't for get to pass the 'app' level scope into the combo box so the async event functions can call app-level func's!
this.pulldownContainer.add(this.severityComboBox); // add the severity list to the pulldown container so it lays out horiz, not the app!
// Get data from Rally
_loadData: function() {
var selectedIterRef = this.iterComboBox.getRecord().get('_ref'); // the _ref is unique, unlike the iteration name that can change; lets query on it instead!
var selectedSeverityValue = this.severityComboBox.getRecord().get('value'); // remember to console log the record to see the raw data and relize what you can pluck out
console.log('selected iter', selectedIterRef);
console.log('selected severity', selectedSeverityValue);
var myFilters = [ // in this format, these are AND'ed together; use Rally.data.wsapi.Filter to create programatic AND/OR constructs
property: 'Iteration',
operation: '=',
value: selectedIterRef
property: 'Severity',
operation: '=',
value: selectedSeverityValue
// if store exists, just load new data
if (this.defectStore) {
console.log('store exists');
// create store
} else {
console.log('creating store');
this.defectStore = Ext.create('Rally.data.wsapi.Store', { // create defectStore on the App (via this) so the code above can test for it's existence!
model: 'Defect',
autoLoad: true, // <----- Don't forget to set this to true! heh
filters: myFilters,
listeners: {
load: function(myStore, myData, success) {
console.log('got data!', myStore, myData);
if (!this.defectGrid) { // only create a grid if it does NOT already exist
this._createGrid(myStore); // if we did NOT pass scope:this below, this line would be incorrectly trying to call _createGrid() on the store which does not exist.
scope: this // This tells the wsapi data store to forward pass along the app-level context into ALL listener functions
fetch: ['FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'] // Look in the WSAPI docs online to see all fields available!
// Create and Show a Grid of given defect
_createGrid: function(myDefectStore) {
this.defectGrid = Ext.create('Rally.ui.grid.Grid', {
store: myDefectStore,
columnCfgs: [ // Columns to display; must be the same names specified in the fetch: above in the wsapi data store
'FormattedID', 'Name', 'Severity', 'Iteration'
this.add(this.defectGrid); // add the grid Component to the app-level Container (by doing this.add, it uses the app container)
以及来自 Rally 站点的代码 ( https://help.rallydev.com/apps/2.0rc2/doc/#!/guide/first_app )。// 在网格中显示缺陷并按迭代和/或严重性过滤的自定义 Rally 应用程序。// // 注意:为了学习目的,特意将各种控制台调试信息保留在代码中
Ext.define('CustomApp', {
extend: 'Rally.app.App', // The parent class manages the app 'lifecycle' and calls launch() when ready
componentCls: 'app', // CSS styles found in app.css
launch: function() {
this.iterationCombobox = this.add({
xtype: 'rallyiterationcombobox',
listeners: {
change: this._onIterationComboboxChanged,
ready: this._onIterationComboboxLoad,
scope: this
_onIterationComboboxLoad: function() {
var addNewConfig = {
xtype: 'rallyaddnew',
recordTypes: ['User Story', 'Defect'],
ignoredRequiredFields: ['Name', 'ScheduleState', 'Project'],
showAddWithDetails: false,
listeners: {
beforecreate: this._onBeforeCreate,
scope: this
this.addNew = this.add(addNewConfig);
var cardBoardConfig = {
xtype: 'rallycardboard',
types: ['Defect', 'User Story'],
attribute: 'ScheduleState',
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
this.cardBoard = this.add(cardBoardConfig);
_onBeforeCreate: function(addNewComponent, record) {
record.set('Iteration', this.iterationCombobox.getValue());
_onIterationComboboxChanged: function() {
var config = {
storeConfig: {
filters: [this.iterationCombobox.getQueryFromSelected()]
当我在视频上运行会话 3 的代码时,我通过创建用户故事存储来获取用户故事数据。我用谷歌搜索并在这里搜索重复但到目前为止没有成功,那可能是什么问题?