我想在 scala 中重写 Sun 的关于 Java 并发的教程中的示例。原始代码在这里:http: //java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/essential/concurrency/deadlock.html
import scala.actors.Actor
class Person(val name: String) extends Actor {
def bow(other: Person) {
other ! Bow(this)
private def bowBack(backTo: Person) {
println(this.name + " is bowing back to " + backTo.name)
backTo ! Bowed(this)
def act() {
while (true) {
receive {
case Bow(p) =>
println(this.name + " is bowing to " + p.name)
p ! BowBack(this)
println(" wating for bowing back...")
var received = false
while (true && received == false) {
receive { //blocked here
case Bowed(other) if p == other =>
println(" ... " + this.name + " has bowed to " + other.name)
received == true
println(this.name + " has bowed to " + p.name)
case BowBack(p) =>
println(this.name + " is bowing back to " + p.name)
p ! Bowed(this)
case "EXIT" => return
case x => println(x)
abstract case class Action()
case class Bow(person: Person) extends Action
case class BowBack(person: Person) extends Action
case class Bowed(person: Person) extends Action
object BowTest extends Application {
val a = new Person("Alphone")
val g = new Person("Gaston")
a ! Bow(g)
a ! "EXIT"
g ! "EXIT"