我想使用后端 webScript/alfresco/service/api/upload
上传文件。但问题是我不知道我必须在 POST 上发送的 JSON 应该是什么样子。但是我知道参数是什么:
- filedata, (mandatory) HTML type file You must specify one of:
destination (the folder NodeRef where the node will be created)
updateNodeRef (the NodeRef of an existing node that will be updated)
- siteid and containerid (the Site name and the container in that site where the document will be created)
- uploaddirectory : name of the folder (either in the site container or the destination) where the document will be uploaded. This folder must already exist
- description : Description for a version update (versionDescription)
- contenttype : The content type that this document should be specialised to
- majorversion
- overwrite
- thumbnails
现在我需要的是 JSON 格式。文件内容应该是什么样子(流或纯/文本?)。任何帮助将不胜感激。