




Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException: No line found
at java.util.Scanner.nextLine(Scanner.java:1585)
at mypokergame1.MyPokerGame.play(MyPokerGame.java:338)


import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

 /** class PlayingCardException: It is used for errors related to Card and Deck objects
  *  Do not modify this class!
 class PlayingCardException extends Exception {

/* Constructor to create a PlayingCardException object */
PlayingCardException (){
    super ();

PlayingCardException ( String reason ){
    super ( reason );

/** class Card : for creating playing card objects
 *  it is an immutable class.
 *  Rank - valid values are 1 to 13
 *  Suit - valid values are 0 to 3
 *  Do not modify this class!
class Card {

/* constant suits and ranks */
static final String[] Suit = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };
static final String[] Rank = {"","A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"};

/* Data field of a card: rank and suit */
private int cardRank;  /* values: 1-13 (see Rank[] above) */
private int cardSuit;  /* values: 0-3  (see Suit[] above) */

/* Constructor to create a card */
/* throw PlayingCardException if rank or suit is invalid */
public Card(int rank, int suit) throws PlayingCardException { 
if ((rank < 1) || (rank > 13))
    throw new PlayingCardException("Invalid rank:"+rank);
        cardRank = rank;
if ((suit < 0) || (suit > 3))
    throw new PlayingCardException("Invalid suit:"+suit);
        cardSuit = suit;

/* Accessor and toString */
/* You may impelemnt equals(), but it will not be used */
public int getRank() { return cardRank; }
public int getSuit() { return cardSuit; }
public String toString() { return Rank[cardRank] + " " + Suit[cardSuit]; }

/* Few quick tests here */
public static void main(String args[])
try {
    Card c1 = new Card(1,3);    // A Spades
    c1 = new Card(10,0);    // 10 Clubs
    c1 = new Card(10,5);        // generate exception here
catch (PlayingCardException e)
    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: "+e.getMessage());

/** class Decks represents : n decks of 52 playing cards
 *  Use class Card to construct n * 52 playing cards!
 *  Do not add new data fields!
 *  Do not modify any methods
 *  You may add private methods 

class Decks {

    /* this is used to keep track of original n*52 cards */
private List<Card> originalDecks;   

/* this starts with n*52 cards deck from original deck   */
/* it is used to keep track of remaining cards to deal */
/* see reset(): it resets dealDecks to a full deck      */
private List<Card> dealDecks;

/* number of decks in this object */
private int numberDecks;

 * Constructor: Creates default one deck of 52 playing cards in originalDecks and
 *          copy them to dealDecks.
 *              initialize numberDecks=n
 * Note: You need to catch PlayingCardException from Card constructor
 *       Use ArrayList for both originalDecks & dealDecks
public Decks()
    // implement this method!
    originalDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();  
    for (int i = 0; i < numberDecks; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= 13; k++) {
                try {
                    originalDecks.add(new Card(k, j));
                } catch (PlayingCardException e) {
                    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: " + e.getMessage());
    dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>(originalDecks);


 * Constructor: Creates n decks (52 cards each deck) of playing cards in
 *              originalDecks and copy them to dealDecks.
 *              initialize numberDecks=n
 * Note: You need to catch PlayingCardException from Card constructor
 *       Use ArrayList for both originalDecks & dealDecks
public Decks(int n)
    // implement this method!
    originalDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();        
    numberDecks = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberDecks; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= 13; k++) {
                try {
                    originalDecks.add(new Card(k, j));
                } catch (PlayingCardException e) {
                    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: " + e.getMessage());
    dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>(originalDecks);


 * Task: Shuffles cards in deal deck.
 * Hint: Look at java.util.Collections
public void shuffle()
    // implement this method!

 * Task: Deals cards from the deal deck.
 * @param numberCards number of cards to deal
 * @return a list containing cards that were dealt
 * @throw PlayingCardException if numberCard > number of remaining cards
 * Note: You need to create ArrayList to stored dealt cards
 *       and should removed dealt cards from dealDecks
public List<Card> deal(int numberCards) throws PlayingCardException
    // implement this method!
    List dealtCards = new ArrayList<Card>();
    if (numberCards > dealDecks.size()) {
            throw new PlayingCardException("Not enough cards to deal");
    for (int i = 0; i < numberCards; i++) {
    return dealtCards;

 * Task: Resets deal deck by getting all cards from the original deck.
public void reset()
    // implement this method!
     dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();
  for(Card card : originalDecks) {

 * Task: Return number of remaining cards in deal deck.
public int remain()
return dealDecks.size();

 * Task: Returns a string representing cards in the deal deck 
public String toString()
return ""+dealDecks;

/* Quick test                   */
/*                              */
/* Do not modify these tests    */
/* Generate 2 decks of cards    */
/* Loop 2 times:                */
/*   Deal 30 cards for 4 times  */
/*   Expect exception last time */
/*   reset()                    */

public static void main(String args[]) {

    System.out.println("*******    Create 2 decks of cards      *********\n\n");
    Decks decks  = new Decks(2);

for (int j=0; j < 2; j++)
        System.out.println("Loop # " + j + "\n");
    System.out.println("Before shuffle:"+decks.remain()+" cards");

            int numHands = 4;
            int cardsPerHand = 30;

        for (int i=0; i < numHands; i++)
            System.out.println("After shuffle:"+decks.remain()+" cards");
        try {
                    System.out.println("\n\nHand "+i+":"+cardsPerHand+" cards");
                    System.out.println("\n\nRemain:"+decks.remain()+" cards");
        catch (PlayingCardException e) 
                System.out.println("*** In catch block : PlayingCardException : msg : "+e.getMessage());




package mypokergame1;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.Scanner;

/** class PlayingCardException: It is used for errors related to Card and Deck objects
 *  Do not modify this class!
class PlayingCardException extends Exception {

/* Constructor to create a PlayingCardException object */
PlayingCardException (){
    super ();

PlayingCardException ( String reason ){
    super ( reason );

/** class Card : for creating playing card objects
 *  it is an immutable class.
 *  Rank - valid values are 1 to 13
 *  Suit - valid values are 0 to 3
 *  Do not modify this class!
class Card {

/* constant suits and ranks */
static final String[] Suit = {"Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" };
static final String[] Rank = {"","A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","J","Q","K"};

/* Data field of a card: rank and suit */
private int cardRank;  /* values: 1-13 (see Rank[] above) */
private int cardSuit;  /* values: 0-3  (see Suit[] above) */

/* Constructor to create a card */
/* throw PlayingCardException if rank or suit is invalid */
public Card(int rank, int suit) throws PlayingCardException { 
if ((rank < 1) || (rank > 13))
    throw new PlayingCardException("Invalid rank:"+rank);
        cardRank = rank;
if ((suit < 0) || (suit > 3))
    throw new PlayingCardException("Invalid suit:"+suit);
        cardSuit = suit;

/* Accessor and toString */
/* You may impelemnt equals(), but it will not be used */
public int getRank() { return cardRank; }
public int getSuit() { return cardSuit; }
public String toString() { return Rank[cardRank] + " " + Suit[cardSuit]; }

/* Few quick tests here */
public static void main(String args[])
try {
    Card c1 = new Card(1,3);    // A Spades
    c1 = new Card(10,0);    // 10 Clubs
    c1 = new Card(10,5);        // generate exception here
catch (PlayingCardException e)
    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: "+e.getMessage());

/** class Decks represents : n decks of 52 playing cards
 *  Use class Card to construct n * 52 playing cards!
 *  Do not add new data fields!
 *  Do not modify any methods
 *  You may add private methods 

class Decks {

/* this is used to keep track of original n*52 cards */
private List<Card> originalDecks;   

/* this starts with n*52 cards deck from original deck   */
/* it is used to keep track of remaining cards to deal */
/* see reset(): it resets dealDecks to a full deck      */
private List<Card> dealDecks;

/* number of decks in this object */
private int numberDecks;

 * Constructor: Creates default one deck of 52 playing cards in originalDecks and
 *          copy them to dealDecks.
 *              initialize numberDecks=n
 * Note: You need to catch PlayingCardException from Card constructor
 *       Use ArrayList for both originalDecks & dealDecks
public Decks()
    // implement this method!
    originalDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();  
    for (int i = 0; i < numberDecks; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= 13; k++) {
                try {
                    originalDecks.add(new Card(k, j));
                } catch (PlayingCardException e) {
                    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: " + e.getMessage());
    dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>(originalDecks);


 * Constructor: Creates n decks (52 cards each deck) of playing cards in
 *              originalDecks and copy them to dealDecks.
 *              initialize numberDecks=n
 * Note: You need to catch PlayingCardException from Card constructor
 *       Use ArrayList for both originalDecks & dealDecks
public Decks(int n)
    // implement this method!
    originalDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();        
    numberDecks = n;
    for (int i = 0; i < numberDecks; i++) {

        for (int j = 0; j <= 3; j++) {
            for (int k = 1; k <= 13; k++) {
                try {
                    originalDecks.add(new Card(k, j));
                } catch (PlayingCardException e) {
                    System.out.println("PlayingCardException: " + e.getMessage());
    dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>(originalDecks);


 * Task: Shuffles cards in deal deck.
 * Hint: Look at java.util.Collections
public void shuffle()
    // implement this method!

 * Task: Deals cards from the deal deck.
 * @param numberCards number of cards to deal
 * @return a list containing cards that were dealt
 * @throw PlayingCardException if numberCard > number of remaining cards
 * Note: You need to create ArrayList to stored dealt cards
 *       and should removed dealt cards from dealDecks
public List<Card> deal(int numberCards) throws PlayingCardException
    // implement this method!
    List dealtCards = new ArrayList<Card>();
    if (numberCards > dealDecks.size()) {
            throw new PlayingCardException("Not enough cards to deal");
    for (int i = 0; i < numberCards; i++) {
    return dealtCards;

 * Task: Resets deal deck by getting all cards from the original deck.
public void reset()
    // implement this method!
     dealDecks = new ArrayList<Card>();
  for(Card card : originalDecks) {

 * Task: Return number of remaining cards in deal deck.
public int remain()
return dealDecks.size();

 * Task: Returns a string representing cards in the deal deck 
public String toString()
return ""+dealDecks;

/* Quick test                   */
/*                              */
/* Do not modify these tests    */
/* Generate 2 decks of cards    */
/* Loop 2 times:                */
/*   Deal 30 cards for 4 times  */
/*   Expect exception last time */
/*   reset()                    */

public static void main(String args[]) {

    System.out.println("*******    Create 2 decks of cards      *********\n\n");
    Decks decks  = new Decks(2);

for (int j=0; j < 2; j++)
        System.out.println("Loop # " + j + "\n");
    System.out.println("Before shuffle:"+decks.remain()+" cards");

            int numHands = 4;
            int cardsPerHand = 30;

        for (int i=0; i < numHands; i++)
            System.out.println("After shuffle:"+decks.remain()+" cards");
        try {
                    System.out.println("\n\nHand "+i+":"+cardsPerHand+" cards");
                    System.out.println("\n\nRemain:"+decks.remain()+" cards");
        catch (PlayingCardException e) 
                System.out.println("*** In catch block : PlayingCardException : msg : "+e.getMessage());



1 回答 1



在我看来,好像在 MyPokerGame.java 的第 338 行,您正在调用scanner.nextLine,而没有首先仔细检查该scanner.hasNextLine()

当扫描仪没有下一行时调用 nextLine() 将引发此异常。

使用 Scanner 类的惯用方式是:


如果您遇到异常,请检查异常的来源并参考 Exception 类型的文档(或者只需将 execption 粘贴到 google 中,您可能会在 StackOVerflow 上找到答案的链接!)

于 2014-05-21T08:06:43.197 回答