我正在使用安装程序 Plone-4.3.1-win64.exe 全新安装 Plone 4.3.1 的 Windows 7 SP1 64 位。
Plone 和 Zope 运行良好。我还可以通过将包名称附加到 buildout.cfg 来安装鸡蛋,例如 plone.app.relationfield。但是,当我尝试使用以下方法安装开发人员工具时:
bin\buildout -c develop.cfg
Unused options for buildout: 'buildout-user' 'need-sudo'.
Updating _mr.developer.
Updating instance.
Updating repozo.
Updating backup.
Updating zopepy.
Updating precompiler.
Compiling Python files.
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('c:\\plone43\\eggs\\restrictedpython-3.6.0-py2.
6.egg\\RestrictedPython\\tests\\before_and_after27.py', 30, 17, ' x = {y: y f
or y in whatever if y}\n'))
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('c:\\plone43\\eggs\\restrictedpython-3.6.0-py2.
6.egg\\RestrictedPython\\tests\\security_in_syntax27.py', 6, 13, ' {y: y for
_restricted_name in x}\n'))
Compiling locale files.
Error while compiling c:\plone43\eggs\python_gettext-1.2-py2.6.egg\pythongettext
Error while compiling c:\plone43\eggs\python_gettext-1.2-py2.6.egg\pythongettext
Updating run-instance.
Updating service.
Updating test.
Updating diazotools.
Installing zopeskel.
Getting distribution for 'zopeskel.diazotheme==1.1'.
warning: no previously-included files matching '*' found under directory 'docs\_
error: Setup script exited with error: Setup script exited with error: Setup scr
ipt exited with error: SandboxViolation: open('build\\lib\\paste\\evalexception\
\media\\MochiKit.packed.js', 'wb') {}
The package setup script has attempted to modify files on your system
that are not within the EasyInstall build area, and has been aborted.
This package cannot be safely installed by EasyInstall, and may not
support alternate installation locations even if you run its setup
script by hand. Please inform the package's author and the EasyInstall
maintainers to find out if a fix or workaround is available.
An error occurred when trying to install zopeskel.diazotheme 1.1. Look above thi
s message for any errors that were output by easy_install.
Installing zopeskel.
Getting distribution for 'zopeskel.diazotheme==1.1'.
Error: Couldn't install: zopeskel.diazotheme 1.1
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我主要是尝试安装 zopeskel 和 zopeskel.dexterity 模板,如果我注释掉 zopeskel.diazotheme,它们也会以同样的方式失败。事实上,如果我将它们注释掉,除了 zopeskel.diazotheme 和 zopeskel.dexterity 之外,我可以安装所有东西。上述 RestrictedPython 语法错误仍然存在,但似乎没有任何影响。
这是所有开箱即用的配置内容。我一直在搜索并尝试我能想到的一切,包括重新安装。我已经与 Plone 合作多年,但我对这个没有想法。