很多时候,人们想要f()沿dN维数组的维度应用操作A。这意味着遍历所有剩余的维度A。我试图弄清楚是否boost::multi_array有能力做到这一点。函数f(A)应该适用于所有变体boost::multi_array,包括boost:multi_array_ref, boost::detail::multi_array::sub_arrayboost::detail::multi_array::array_view,理想情况下也适用于 rvalue 类型,例如boost::multi_array_ref<T, NDims>::reference.

我能想到的最好的方法是实现一个reshape()函数,该函数可用于将 ND 数组重塑为 3D 数组,这样工作维度始终是中间维度。这里是f.hpp

#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
#include <ostream>

using namespace boost;

typedef multi_array_types::index index_t;
typedef multi_array_types::index_range range;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
          typename T, std::size_t NDims, typename index_t, std::size_t NDimsNew>
multi_array_ref<T, NDimsNew>
reshape(Array<T, NDims>& A, const array<index_t, NDimsNew>& dims) {
    multi_array_ref<T, NDimsNew> a(A.origin(), dims);
    return a;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, typename T>
void f(Array<T, 1>& A) {
    for (auto it : A) {
        // do something with it
        std::cout << it << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, 
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
void f(Array<T, NDims>& A, long d) {
    auto dims = A.shape();
    typedef typename std::decay<decltype(*dims)>::type type;

    // collapse dimensions [0,d) and (d,Ndims)
    array<type, 3> dims3 = {
        std::accumulate(dims, dims + d, type(1), std::multiplies<type>()),
        std::accumulate(dims + d + 1, dims + NDims, type(1), std::multiplies<type>())

    // reshape to collapsed dimensions
    auto A3 = reshape(A, dims3);

    // call f for each slice [i,:,k]
    for (auto Ai : A3) {
        for (index_t k = 0; k < dims3[2]; ++k) {
            auto S = Ai[indices[range()][k]];

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array, 
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
void f(Array<T, NDims>& A) {
    for (long d = NDims; d--; ) {
        f(A, d);


#include "f.hpp"

int main() {
    boost::multi_array<double, 3> A(boost::extents[2][2][3]);
    boost::multi_array_ref<double, 1> a(A.data(), boost::extents[A.num_elements()]);
    auto Ajk = A[1];
    auto Aik = A[boost::indices[range()][1][range()]];

    int i = 0;
    for (auto& ai : a) ai = i++;

    std::cout << "work on boost::multi_array_ref" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::multi_array" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::detail::multi_array:sub_array" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "work on boost::detail::multi_array:sub_array" << std::endl;
    f(Aik);   // wrong result, since reshape() ignores strides!

    //f(A[1]);   // fails: rvalue A[1] is boost::multi_array_ref<double, 3ul>::reference

显然,这种方法存在问题,即当将切片传递给f()时,内存不再是连续的,这会破坏 的实现reshape()

似乎更好(更像 C++)的方法是从 boost 类型提供的迭代器中构造一个聚合迭代器,因为这会自动处理给定维度上的非统一步幅。boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen看起来很相关,但我不太清楚如何使用它来对维度中的所有切片进行迭代d。有任何想法吗?


SO上已经有类似的问题,但没有一个让我很满意。我对N = 3or的专门解决方案不感兴趣N = 2。它必须适用于任何N.


这是我在 Python 中想要的等价物:

def idx_iterator(s, d, idx):
    if len(s) == 0:
        yield idx
        ii = (slice(None),) if d == 0 else xrange(s[0])
        for i in ii:
            for new_idx in idx_iterator(s[1:], d - 1, idx + [i]):
                yield new_idx

def iterator(A, d=0):
    for idx in idx_iterator(A.shape, d, []):
        yield A[idx]

def f(A):
    for d in reversed(xrange(A.ndim)):
        for it in iterator(A, d):
            print it

import numpy as np
A = np.arange(12).reshape((2, 2, 3))

print "Work on flattened array"

print "Work on array"

print "Work on contiguous slice"

print "Work on discontiguous slice"

使用 中的功能应该可以以某种方式实现相同的功能index_gen.hpp,但我仍然无法弄清楚如何。


1 回答 1


Ok, after spending a significant amount of time studying the implementation of boost::multi_array, I am now ready to answer my own question: No, there are no provisions anywhere in boost::multi_array that would allow one to iterate along any but the first dimension. The best I could come up with is to construct an iterator that manually manages the N-1 indices that are being iterated over. Here is slice_iterator.hpp:

#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
struct SliceIterator {
    typedef Array<T, NDims> array_type;
    typedef typename array_type::size_type size_type;
    typedef boost::multi_array_types::index_range range;
    typedef boost::detail::multi_array::multi_array_view<T, 1> slice_type;
    typedef boost::detail::multi_array::index_gen<NDims, 1> index_gen;

    array_type& A;
    const size_type* shape;
    const long d;
    index_gen indices;
    bool is_end = false;

    SliceIterator(array_type& A, long d) : A(A), shape(A.shape()), d(d) {
        int i = 0;
        for (; i != d; ++i) indices.ranges_[i] = range(0);
        indices.ranges_[i++] = range();
        for (; i != NDims; ++i) indices.ranges_[i] = range(0);

    SliceIterator& operator++() {
        // addition with carry, excluding dimension d
        int i = NDims - 1;
        while (1) {
            if (i == d) --i;
            if (i < 0) {
                is_end = true;
                return *this;
            if (indices.ranges_[i].start_ < shape[i]) {
            } else {
                indices.ranges_[i].start_ = 0;
                indices.ranges_[i].finish_ = 1;
        return *this; 

    slice_type operator*() { 
        return A[indices];

    // fakes for iterator protocol (actual implementations would be expensive)
    bool operator!=(const SliceIterator& r) {
        return !is_end;

    SliceIterator begin() {return *this;}
    SliceIterator end()   {return *this;}

template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims> make_slice_iterator(Array<T, NDims>& A, long d) {
    return SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims>(A, d);

// overload for rvalue references
template <template <typename, std::size_t, typename...> class Array,
          typename T, std::size_t NDims>
SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims> make_slice_iterator(Array<T, NDims>&& A, long d) {
    return SliceIterator<Array, T, NDims>(A, d);

It can be used as

for (auto S : make_slice_iterator(A, d)) {

and works for all examples in my question.

I must say that boost::multi_array's implementation was quite disappointing to me: Over 3700 lines of code for what should be little more than a bit of index housekeeping. In particular the iterators, which are only provided for the first dimension, aren't anywhere near a performance implementation: There are actually up to 3*N + 5 comparisons carried out at each step to decide whether the iterator has arrived at the end yet (note that my implementation above avoids this problem by faking operator!=()), which makes this implementation unsuitable for anything but arrays with a dominant last dimension, which is handled more efficiently. Moreover, the implementation doesn't take advantage of dimensions that are contiguous in memory. Instead, it always proceeds dimension-by-dimension for operations such as array assignment, wasting significant optimization opportunities.

In summary, I find numpy's implementation of an N-dimensional array much more compelling than this one. There are 3 more observations that tell me "Hands Off" of boost::multi_array:

  • I couldn't find any serious use cases for boost::multi_array anywhere on the web
  • Development appears to have essentially stopped in 2002
  • This (and similar) questions on StackOverflow have hardly generated any interest ;-)
于 2014-05-26T14:18:34.437 回答