TL;博士; 不,你必须合并,这里有一些说明
它并不像你想象的那么糟糕。我将概述我使用的命令行中的步骤。我将使用 vimidiff 来管理您可以使用 Meld 或其他您喜欢的差异工具的冲突。命令前面带有井号“#”标记
<in branch first time from copy>
# svn log --stop-on-copy | tail
<read the revision that was the copy instruction in this case r229>
# cd ../../trunk
# svn up
<I make note of the latest rivision which is r334>
<now I go back to the branch>
# cd ../branches/branch
# svn merge -r229:334 svn://
<a whole bunch of stuff happens>
< now I check for conflicts >
# svn status | grep ^C
<which outputs something like>
C public/tools/Diagnostic.class.php
C public/domain/Report_Setup_Parameter.class.php
C public/modules/mReports.module.php
<I now revert all these and manually merge them>
# svn revert public/tools/Diagnostic.class.php
<revert done now manuall doinng the merge
# vimdiff public/tools/Diagnostic.class.php ../../trunk/public/tools/Diagnostic.class.php
<now all the changes are done>
# svn commit -m "Merging trunk into branch 'branch' r:229:334"
commited revision 335
完成了,如果你经常这样做,那么变化并不多。第一次合并后,您需要使用最后一次合并的修订号。因此,在未来的某个时间,该命令将在 svn 日志中查找上次合并的修订版本,在本例中为 335。合并命令看起来像这样
# svn merge -r335:370 svn://