使用 Jquery Validator,有没有办法根据数据属性验证该字段?
<input type="text" id="creditcard" />
然后当用户更改值时,它会创建一个掩码并将值保存到 $("#creditcard").data("cc_number") 中,例如:
$(document).on("keyup paste drop", "#creditcard", function() {
// Copy the super secret old cc value */
var old_cc = $(this).data("cc_number") || "";
// Copy the masked value
var this_val = $(this).val();
/* If there is a value and it is less than the max create a mask */
if (this_val.length > 0 && this_val.length <= 16) {
// If the stored number is less than the new value,
// append the last entered character to the stored value.
// If not make the masked cc # the same as the stored value
var cc = (old_cc.length < this_val.length ? old_cc + this_val.substring(this_val.length -1, this_val.length) : old_cc.substring(0,this_val.length));
// Copy the new cc value to the super secret field
$(this).data("cc_number", cc);
/* Code that builds cc_mask
* removed to make it easier to read
// Sets #creditcard value to the mask
// I don't think we need to do this but since I already have it here...
return false;
现在,有没有办法覆盖 jquery 验证器来验证 $("#creditcard".data("cc_number"); 的值?