\pentaho-solutions在 Pentaho 5.0.1 CE 中添加文件夹后,如何让文件夹出现在浏览器中。我阅读的文档似乎不适用于这个新版本。

1. Create a new directory in /pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/.
Use underscores instead of spaces in the solution directory name. Ensure that the directory has the appropriate user
and group ownership to be writable from the BI Platform.
2. Using an XML-aware text editor (or Design Studio), create a file named index.xmlin your new solution directory.
3. Copy the following text into the index.xml file, changing the content accordingly:
<name>Example Solution</name>
<description>This solution contains examples I created while learning to
work with action sequences.</description>
4. Save the file and close the text editor.
5. Log into the Pentaho User Console as an administrator.
6. Refresh the solution repository cache by going to the Toolsmenu, then selecting the Refreshsubmenu, then
clicking on Repository Cache.
You now have a new solution directory. It will show up in all file dialogues in the Pentaho User Console as well as the
Solution Browser in the left pane.
Every time you add or edit an action sequence to your solution directory, you must refresh the repository cache as
explained above. Each user currently logged into the Pentaho User Console must also refresh their session cache; this
is best done by re-logging into the Pentaho User Console.

我正在使用 Pentaho 设计工作室开发一个 xaction 序列脚本。我遵循了这个程序:

1. In Design Studio, go to the Filemenu, then select New, and click on Other...in the sub-menu.
The Newwindow will appear.
2. In the Newwindow, click the triangle next to Pentaho, select New Action Sequence Wizard, then click Next.
3. In the File namefield, type hello_world.xaction.
4. Select Hello Worldfrom the Templatedrop-down box, then click Finish.
The wizard will generate the new file and bring you back to the workbench.
5. Click on HelloWorldComponentin the Process Actionssection on the left.
The right side of the screen will change to show the options available for this action: Nameand Message. The
Name field controls the name of the component in the Process Actions list on the left; it doesn't do anything else of
note. The Message field contains the text that will appear on the screen when the action sequence is run. It is prepopulated with %quote, which is a token that represents a quote message in a nonexistent properties file. Pentaho
used to provide properties files for each example, but they have been removed from the standard Pentaho Business
Analytics distribution.
6. Replace the %quotewith a sufficiently inspiring message.
Alternatively, you could create a hello_world.propertiesfile and populate it with the appropriate messages and
tokens, but that has no advantage unless you intend to internationalize this action sequence.
7. Save the file.
You now have a working action sequence that prints a short text message: "Hello, World." plus whatever you typed into
the Message field. The first part of the message is determined by a message bundle packaged with the Pentaho Web
application archive.

To test the action sequence, use the Test tab if you are on Windows or OS X, or log into the Pentaho User Console and
run it from the Solution Browser.

运行示例 xaction 失败

Sorry. We really did try.
Something went wrong. Please try again
or contact your administrator.

我认为这是因为当我从设计工作室中生成 url 时,pentaho 无法找到文件路径中指定的 xaction 文件。尽管刷新了缓存,但我在解决方案目录中创建的文件夹并未出现在浏览器目录列表中。有什么帮助吗?


3 回答 3


在版本 5 中,文件和文件夹不再存储在 "/pentaho/server/biserver-ee/pentaho-solutions/..." 它现在存储在 jackrabbit 存储库中。


于 2014-05-15T13:05:10.883 回答

启动 biserver 5.2 后我犯了错误。没想到我在配置成jackrabbit后删除了Public文件夹。现在我如何创建文件夹以便我可以看到公共和主文件夹。

于 2015-01-23T09:39:06.250 回答

很抱歉一段时间后回到这个问题,以防有人搜索与 Pentaho 存储库管理相关的内容但没有成功,我希望这些信息可以提供帮助。

为了让事情更清楚,我使用的是 5.2.x 版本,我假设您想在浏览文件屏幕的根目录上创建一个新文件夹,这在 Pentaho5 CE Web 控制台上是不允许的。

关于基于 JackRabbit 的存储库管理的答案是正确的,因此我们用于配置新“解决方案”文件夹的旧方法不再适用。从版本 5 开始,Pentaho 公开了一个有趣的 REST api,它允许你做 Web 控制台中不允许的事情。

例如,要在根目录中创建一个文件夹,您应该使用以下 URL 创建一个针对 Pentaho Server 的 http REST PUT 请求(使用 curl 等工具,或者如果您喜欢 Google Chrome,例如 Advanced Rest Client 等),请使用以下 URL: http:/ /localhost:8080/pentaho/api/repo/dirs/:new_directory_name?userid=admin&password=password

Pentaho 存储库目录 REST api 记录在这里:http: //javadoc.pentaho.com/bi-platform500/webservice500/resource_DirectoryResource.html

花一些时间阅读 REST API 文档是值得的。

于 2015-05-15T22:01:41.473 回答