I have a daemon called foo. My conf file /etc/init/foo.conf starts the foo daemon as root.

The foo daemon calls system function to execute the other application which show tray icon using Qt.

I run the following command to enable the Systray for applications in Ubuntu:

gsettings set com.canonical.Unity.Panel systray-whitelist "['all']"

However, the schema's gone from 13.04.

Despite founding the solution that uses a PPA that comes with to re-enable the systray whitelist, I can't apply that in my project.

Is there any way to do?


1 回答 1


Systray 白名单非常不安全,Canonical 删除了对它的支持。

有一个补丁可用于恢复旧行为:https ://askubuntu.com/questions/330272/help-with-system-tray-whitelisting

于 2014-05-15T09:22:40.533 回答