我有一个应用程序,当我从 xcode 在我的 iPad 上运行它时,它可以工作,但是当我为 AdHoc 分发准备它时,它不能正常工作。
[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(wifiBackground) toTarget:self withObject:nil];
[self setupSocket];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1.0f];
while (YES) {
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:3.0f];
if (mNetAlive == [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OK]) //is connected (can send messages through internet)
//setup for sending tcp msg, grab network info
NSString *mWifiname = [self fetchSSIDInfo];
NSLog(@"mWifiname %@", mWifiname);
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"mWifiname %@,,,,",mWifiname] :YES :YES];
//send messages if new or changed
if ((wifi_name == nil || wifi_name == (id)[NSNull null] || ([wifi_name length] == 0)) ) { //is null
NSLog(@"is null");
[self sendMsgType:WIFI_UDP_CX msgArg1:WIFI_CX_NEW msgArg2:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] wifiName:mWifiname buffer:nil];
} else if ([wifi_name containsString:mWifiname]) {
[self sendMsgType:WIFI_UDP_CX msgArg1:WIFI_CX_CHANGE msgArg2:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] wifiName:mWifiname buffer:nil];
wifi_name = mWifiname;
mTcpState = [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OPEN];
retrycount = 0;
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1.0f];
while (mTcpState == [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OPEN] && ([mWifiname containsString:mCurrentSSID])) {
[self setupSocket];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:2.0f];
mTcpAlive = [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OK];
mWifiAlert = [NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"connected %d,mwifiName %@,current ssid %@,,",[asyncSocket isConnected],mWifiname,mCurrentSSID] :YES :YES];
while ([asyncSocket isConnected] && ([mWifiname containsString:mCurrentSSID])) {
if (reading == NO) {
NSMutableArray *mytx = tx;
[self send:mytx];
//recieve info
reading = YES;
[self startRead];
while (reading == YES) {} //wait
if (retrycount >= 3) {
NSLog(@"in retry");
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"in retry,,,,"] :YES :YES];
if (([mWifiAlert intValue] == 0) && ![mWifiname containsString:mCurrentSSID]) { mWifiAlert = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1]; }
[asyncSocket disconnect];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:1.5f];
//obviously not connected to internet so shut down
mTcpAlive = [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OFF];
[self sendMsgType:WIFI_UDP_CX msgArg1:WIFI_CX_RX_ERROR msgArg2:[NSNumber numberWithInt:0] wifiName:mWifiname buffer:nil];
break; //breaks out of while
if (!([mWifiname containsString:mCurrentSSID])) {
NSLog(@"not correct wifi");
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"not correct wifi,,,,"] :YES :YES];
if ([mWifiAlert intValue] == 0) {
mWifiAlert = [NSNumber numberWithInt:1];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5.0f];
} else {
NSLog(@"in else mNetAlive");
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"in else mNetAlive,,,,"] :YES :YES];
if (noWifiOn >= 5) {
if ([mWifiAlert intValue] == 0) {
mWifiAlert = [NSNumber numberWithInt:2];
NSLog(@"alert view");
noWifiOn = 0;
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:5.0f];
mTcpAlive = [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_FAIL];
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:2.0f];
- (void)socket:(GCDAsyncSocket *)sock didReadData:(NSData *)data withTag:(long)tags
reading = YES;
const unsigned char *dataBytes = [data bytes];
NSUInteger dataLength = [data length];
if (buf_ptr == 0) {
TCP_size = [self strintvalue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x",dataBytes[2],dataBytes[1]]];
buf_ptr = buf_ptr + (int)dataLength;
//NSLog(@"buf ptr = %i",buf_ptr);
if ((buf_ptr < TCP_size) && (TCP_size <=12000)) {
[ds appendData:data];
[self startRead];
} else if (buf_ptr == TCP_size){
[ds appendData:data]; //append the final bit for this package
//NSLog(@"ds = %@",ds);
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"socketDidRead,,,,"] :YES :YES];
NSLog(@"tcp size = buf_ptr");
[self writeToCSV:autoErrLogg :[[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"tcp size = buf_ptr,,,,"] :YES :YES];
const unsigned char *allDataBytes = [ds bytes];
[self processRead:allDataBytes];
reading = NO;
mTcpAlive = [NSNumber numberWithInt:TCP_PORT_OK];
retrycount = 0;
buf_ptr = 0;
[ds setLength:0];
} else {
[self sendMsgType:WIFI_UDP_CX msgArg1:WIFI_CX_RX_ERROR msgArg2:0 wifiName:wifi_name buffer:nil];
buf_ptr = 0;
[ds setLength:0];
本质上:wifiBackground检查是否连接到互联网,连接一个socket,向网络发送一个数据包(超时5s),等待读取完成(超时5s),然后重复发送的数据包被更新. 如果网络关闭,它应该重试连接。
当我将它作为 AdHoc 运行时,如果它无法立即连接,它将循环,但一旦读取完成,它将停止(整个线程)而不去 processRead。例如)
tcp size = but_ptr
socketDidDisconnect (error = null)
为什么永远不会调用 processRead?这适用于 xcode,我不确定为什么它现在不起作用。
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self processRead:allDataBytes];
我打算尝试 performSelectorOnMainThread 但由于 processRead 使用const unsigned char