我一直在尝试寻找一种方法来进行 DataTable 比较,最后编写了自己的函数,这就是我得到的:
bool tablesAreIdentical = true;
// loop through first table
foreach (DataRow row in firstTable.Rows)
foundIdenticalRow = false;
// loop through tempTable to find an identical row
foreach (DataRow tempRow in tempTable.Rows)
allFieldsAreIdentical = true;
// compare fields, if any fields are different move on to next row in tempTable
for (int i = 0; i < row.ItemArray.Length && allFieldsAreIdentical; i++)
if (!row[i].Equals(tempRow[i]))
allFieldsAreIdentical = false;
// if an identical row is found, remove this row from tempTable
// (in case of duplicated row exist in firstTable, so tempTable needs
// to have the same number of duplicated rows to be considered equivalent)
// and move on to next row in firstTable
if (allFieldsAreIdentical)
foundIdenticalRow = true;
// if no identical row is found for current row in firstTable,
// the two tables are different
if (!foundIdenticalRow)
tablesAreIdentical = false;
return tablesAreIdentical;
与 Dave Markle 的解决方案相比,我将两个具有相同记录但顺序不同的表视为相同。希望这对再次偶然发现此线程的人有所帮助。