错误:从 URL 保存文件时出错:服务器违反了协议。
Section=ResponseHeader Detail='Content-Length' 标头值无效
在运行时运行 Fiddler,它说:
Content-Length 响应标头不是有效的无符号整数 Content-Length:13312583
public static bool SaveFileFromURL(string url, string destinationFileName, int timeoutInSeconds)
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
SettingsSection section = (SettingsSection)config.GetSection("system.net/settings");
section.HttpWebRequest.UseUnsafeHeaderParsing = false;
// Create a web request to the URL
HttpWebRequest MyRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
MyRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
MyRequest.ContentLength = 0;
MyRequest.Timeout = timeoutInSeconds * 1000;
// Get the web response
HttpWebResponse MyResponse = (HttpWebResponse)MyRequest.GetResponse();
// Make sure the response is valid
if (HttpStatusCode.OK == MyResponse.StatusCode)
// Open the response stream
using (Stream MyResponseStream = MyResponse.GetResponseStream())
// Open the destination file
using (FileStream MyFileStream = new FileStream(destinationFileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write))
// Create a 4K buffer to chunk the file
byte[] MyBuffer = new byte[4096];
int BytesRead;
// Read the chunk of the web response into the buffer
while (0 < (BytesRead = MyResponseStream.Read(MyBuffer, 0, MyBuffer.Length)))
// Write the chunk from the buffer to the file
MyFileStream.Write(MyBuffer, 0, BytesRead);
catch (Exception err)
throw new Exception("Error saving file from URL:" + err.Message, err);
return true;
更新:如果我将 URL 直接传递到浏览器中,则文件下载成功,并在 GetResponse 行中引发错误。
更新 2:我得到与 WebClient.Downloadfile 相同的错误:
public static bool DL_Webclient(string url, string destinationFileName)
WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
myWebClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
myWebClient.DownloadFile(url, destinationFileName);
return true;
更新 3:检索到消息中的其他标头(使用 Fiddler)后,它们是:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Connection: close
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 08:43:06 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Content-Length: 13314320
Content-Type: application/x-evsaveset
Cache-control: private