As a follow up to the Store lifecycle question,

In a typical web app its nice to have a shortcut to the current application state via the URL so you can re-visit that state and use the forward and back buttons to move between states.

With Flux we want all actions to go through the dispatcher, which i guess also include an URL change. how would you manage URL changes within a flux application?


2 回答 2



在处理了一堆 React/flux 应用程序之后,我得出的结论是,我更喜欢将路由单独处理并与 Flux 正交。策略是 URL/路由应该确定哪些组件被挂载,组件根据路由参数和其他应用程序状态从存储中请求数据。


我在最近的一个项目中尝试使用 Flux 时采用的一种方法是让路由层只是另一个存储。这意味着所有更改 URL 的链接实际上都会通过调度程序触发一个动作,请求更新路由。ARouteStore通过在浏览器中设置 URL 并设置一些内部数据(通过route-recognizer)来响应此调度,以便视图可以在change从商店触发事件时查询新的路由数据。

对我来说,一个不明显的部分是如何确保 URL 更改触发操作;我最终创建了一个 mixin 来为我管理这个(注意:这不是 100% 健壮的,但适用于我正在使用的应用程序;您可能需要进行修改以满足您的需要)。

// Mix-in to the top-level component to capture `click`
// events on all links and turn them into action dispatches;
// also manage HTML5 history via pushState/popState
var RoutingMixin = {
  componentDidMount: function() {
    // Some browsers have some weirdness with firing an extra 'popState'
    // right when the page loads
    var firstPopState = true;

    // Intercept all bubbled click events on the app's element
    this.getDOMNode().addEventListener('click', this._handleRouteClick);

    window.onpopstate = function(e) {
      if (firstPopState) {
        firstPopState = false;
      var path = document.location.toString().replace(document.location.origin, '');
      this.handleRouteChange(path, true);

  componentWillUnmount: function() {
    this.getDOMNode().removeEventListener('click', this._handleRouteClick);
    window.onpopstate = null;

  _handleRouteClick: function(e) {
    var target = e.target;

    // figure out if we clicked on an `a` tag
    while(target && target.tagName !== 'A') {
      target = target.parentNode;

    if (!target) return;

    // if the user was holding a modifier key, don't intercept
    if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) {

      var href = target.attributes.href.value;
      this.handleRouteChange(href, false);


var ApplicationView = React.createClass({
  mixins: [RoutingMixin],

  handleRouteChange: function(newUrl, fromHistory) {
    this.dispatcher.dispatch(RouteActions.changeUrl(newUrl, fromHistory));

  // ...


RouteStore.prototype.handleChangeUrl = function(href, skipHistory) {
  var isFullUrl = function(url) {
    return url.indexOf('http://') === 0 || url.indexOf('https://') === 0;

  // links with a protocol simply change the location
  if (isFullUrl(href)) {
    document.location = href;
  } else {
    // this._router is a route-recognizer instance
    var results = this._router.recognize(href);
    if (results && results.length) {
      var route = results[0].handler(href, results[0].params);
      this.currentRoute = route;
      if (!skipHistory) history.pushState(href, '', href);

于 2014-05-13T16:14:36.500 回答

大多数示例都使用了React Router,这是一个基于 Ember 路由器的框架。重要的部分是将路由配置为组件的声明性规范:

    <Route path="/" component={App}>
      <Route path="about" component={About}/>
      <Route path="users" component={Users}>
        <Route path="/user/:userId" component={User}/>
      <Redirect from="/" to="about" />
      <NotFoundRoute handler={NoMatch} />
), document.body)
于 2015-09-23T09:14:20.080 回答