我正在测试 Bourbon Neat,我在一个外部容器中有两列,我希望这些列的高度相同(与最高的列一样高)。在短列上使用 @include fill-parent 不起作用,它只会使其与外部容器一样宽。我可以用 javascript 来做,但 Neat 不处理这个吗?
<section class="blog">
<h1>How to set up Bourbon Neat</h1>
<h2>Installing and using Bourbon</h2>
<p>Install bourbon by going to your users directory in git bash, and typing: gem install bourbon</p>
<p>Then change directory to your style folder and type in git bash: bourbon install</p>
<p>Then, import the mixins at the top of your stylesheet(s): @import 'bourbon/bourbon'</p>
<h2>Installing and using Neat</h2>
<p>Install neat by going to your users directory in git bash, and typing: gem install neat</p>
<p>Then change directory to your style folder and type in git bash: install neat</p>
<p>Then, import the mixins at the top of your stylesheet(s): @import 'bourbon/bourbon'</p>
<!--<img src="style/images/cupman.gif" alt="It's bidness time">-->
<p>It's bidness time</p>
这是我的 SASS:`
$visual_grid: true
$visual-grid-color: blue
$visual-grid-index: front
$visual-grid-opacity: 0.1
@import 'bourbon/bourbon'
@import 'neat/neat'
@import 'variables'
@include linear-gradient(black, gray)
height: 100%
background-color: $baseColor
font-family: $type
body *
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box
-moz-box-sizing: border-box
box-sizing: border-box
@include outer-container
@include span-columns(4)
background: $thirdColor
//height: 100%
//@include fill-parent()
@include span-columns(8)
background-color: $fourthColor
padding: 5px
margin-top: 40px
background-color: $secondColor
编辑:现在,我只是使用 jQuery 来手动均衡列大小,但如果有更整洁的方式(哈哈)来解决这个问题,请告诉我。