I'm trying to clean up code by stripping parameters from a function within a private scope, like this:

Function complicatedFunction(x as Double, param1 as Double, param2 as Double)
End Function

Function mainActionHappensHere(L as Double, U as Double ...)
    Function cleaner(x)
        cleaner = complicatedFunction(x, L, U)
    End Function
    cleaner(x)                       'Many calls to this function
End Function

Is this possible? Compiler complains, "Expected End Function", since I'm beginning a function before ending the outer one. And Google is no help :( PS I can't define cleaner() outside of mainActionHappensHere(), since then the correct L and U won't get passed into it.


3 回答 3


VB.Net 可以做到这一点,但我不相信 VBA 可以。


Function complicatedFunction(x as Double, Optional param1 as Double = L, Optional param2 as Double = U) As Object
End Function


但是,L 和 U 必须是常数才能起作用。

FWIW,如果你真的在使用 VB.Net 方言,VB.Net 语法如下所示:

Sub complicatedFunction(x as Double, param1 as Double, param2 as Double) 
End Sub

Function mainActionHappensHere(L as Double, U as Double ...)
    Dim cleaner As Func(Of Double, Object) = 
            Return complicatedFunction(x, L, U)
        End Function

    Dim y = cleaner(x)                       'Many calls to this function
End Function
于 2014-05-12T18:18:11.330 回答

VB 中没有嵌套函数,无论是 VBA 还是 VB6 或 VB.NET。

将范围限制为 VBA,您的选择将是:

  • 使用GoSub,最古老的 VB 命令之一,已被弃用,不受欢迎,并且在 VB.NET 中没有等效的升级:

    Function mainActionHappensHere(L as Double, U as Double ...)
        Dim ResultOfCleaner As Variant
        x = 5 : GoSub cleaner                       'Many calls to this function
        'Use ResultOfCleaner here
        x = 42 : GoSub cleaner                      'Many calls to this function
        'Use ResultOfCleaner here
        Exit Function
        ResultOfCleaner = complicatedFunction(x, L, U)
    End Function
  • 手动创建一个闭包。



于 2014-05-12T18:30:35.987 回答


Dim fSomeFunction As Func(Of String, Boolean) = Function(ByVal something As String) As Boolean
                                                                     Return True
                                                                 End Function
于 2019-06-14T12:30:34.763 回答