我在 MVC 4 中使用 radiobuttonfor,我试图为用户提供他可以选择的项目选择。My problem is when one of the items is selected and it's posted to the controller, the string value is a .net system.guid rather than the actual guid value.
@foreach (var person in Model.InterviewDates[i].Interviewers) // all interviewers - not filtered
var list = Model.InterviewDates[i].Interviewers.Select(p => p.InterviewerID).ToList();
@Html.Raw(person.InterviewerName + " ")
// TODO: Lambda for getting all Chairs based on interview type and interview date
@Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.InterviewSchedules[i].Chair, list, new { @style = "width:auto;background:none;border:none" })
<br />
我有一个人员列表,其中包含他们的用户 ID。然后我希望用户选择一个单选按钮将该值绑定到模型。
- list Count = 3 System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ [0] {5fb7097c-335c-4d07-b4fd-000004e2d221} System.Guid
+ [1] {5fb7097c-335c-4d07-b4fd-000004e2d222} System.Guid
+ [2] {5fb7097c-335c-4d07-b4fd-000004e2d223} System.Guid
+ Raw View
public ActionResult SubmittedInterviews(InterviewManagement InterviewManagement)
return View();
- InterviewManagement {IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewManagement} IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewManagement
+ InterviewDates Count = 0 System.Collections.Generic.List<IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewDate>
- InterviewSchedules Count = 1 System.Collections.Generic.List<IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewSchedule>
- [0] {IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewSchedule} IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewSchedule
Chair "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Guid]" string
Cofacilitator null string
Facilitator null string
+ InterviewDate {01/01/0001 00:00:00} System.DateTime
Location null string
Observer null string
Preference false bool
Site null string
+ Raw View
+ InterviewTypes Count = 0 System.Collections.Generic.List<IMecheAdmin.Models.InterviewType>
SelectedMembershipType null string
Chair "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Guid]" string
没有说实际的 GUID。有任何想法吗?