在最新的 snapchat 更新中,当您“向右滑动查看消息”时,状态栏会以一种渐变的方式从黑色变为白色。


他们如何在不使用私有 API 的情况下做到这一点,或者他们是否使用私有 API?


乍一看,我认为他们只是在做其他人所做的事情(就像 rdio 目前所做的那样),通过屏幕捕获整个屏幕,然后修改/动画化该屏幕截图。

但是...您无法从该屏幕捕获方法访问 UIImage 或为其设置动画,因此尽管您可以移动/裁剪该屏幕截图,但您无法更改其外观。

所以...我对其进行了测试,当状态栏处于该状态(半黑/半白)时,它仍然是 LIVE 的,因为它不是屏幕截图,并且它响应充电变化/信号变化等,至于如果不使用私有 API,我可以说这是不可能的。


2 回答 2


这让我很好奇,所以我稍微玩了一下这个应用程序,并在越狱设备上使用 Spark Inspector 检查了应用程序的视图层次结构,我发现了一些东西。



  1. 当您开始转换时,应用程序会在其当前状态下拍摄状态栏的快照(很可能它实际上是在拍摄整个状态栏的快照UIScreen并只是从中裁剪状态栏),并将包含该快照的窗口附加到过渡中视图的顶部,锚定到最终过渡位置并被“来自”视图控制器的视图所掩盖。这个窗口似乎有一个windowLevel上面,UIWindowLevelStatusBar所以它能够覆盖真正的状态栏。

  2. 然后,“to”视图控制器接管实际状态栏并将其更改为“light content”状态。这呈现出一种巧妙的错觉,即单个状态栏会随着过渡边框改变颜色,但真正的状态栏实际上总是位于快照窗口下方,并且如果不是快照窗口坐在过渡开始时确实会立即可见在它的上面。

于 2014-05-11T07:21:36.117 回答

根据 Dima 的回答,我认为一些让人们开始的基本实施可能会有所帮助。正如 Dima 所说,它不是在移动状态栏,而是在移动状态栏的图像。

免责声明:我 YOLO 完成了这个实现,所以我不保证它是否能开箱即用

从 iOS7 开始,您可以使用

UIView *screen = [[UIScreen mainScreen] snapshotViewAfterScreenUpdates:NO];


UIWindow *statusBarWindow = [[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[UIScreen mainScreen].bounds];
statusBarWindow.windowLevel = UIWindowLevelStatusBar + 1; // higher
statusBarWindow.hidden = NO; // fun fact you don't have to add a UIWindow to anything, just setting hidden = NO should display it
statusBarWindow.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; // since visible, make it clear until we actually add the screen shot to it so as to not block anything 


// The view that will hold the screen shot
// Later, I think we're going to need to play with contentInsets to make the view look like its staying still, so we're making it a UIScrollView in case
UIScrollView *statusBarView = [[UIScrollView alloc] initWithFrame:[UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarFrame];
statusBarView.clipsToBounds = YES;

// Now we add the screen shot we took to this status bar view
[scrollingStatusBarView addSubview:statusBarView];
[statusBarView addSubview:screen]; // screen is the UIScrollView from previous code block (the screen shot)

// Now add this statusBarView with the image to the window we created
[statusBarWindow addSubview:statusBarView];



[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent animated:NO];
// anything else you might feel like doing 

现在我们在这里发生了一些有趣的事情。随着过渡的进行,您将不得不使用其滚动的数量来“剪断”该偏移量statusBarView。必须从statusBarView.framex=offset 开始,否则它将显示在实际状态栏上(因为它的窗口更高),但如果您不更改 contentInsets,那么图片将随着过渡而滑动。因此,要创建错觉,您需要将原点推到右侧,同时将左侧内容插入增加相同的数量,使其看起来位于同一位置。



 // if you're using an animation to handle the transition you can match up this change in x position with the animation

// if you're doing via pan gesture you could try something like:
CGFloat offset = self.viewThatIsScrolling.contentOffset.x; // may be negative depending on direction that is being swiped

if (midTransition) { // you can use the offset value here to check
    // NOTE: again, will depend on which direction this animation is happening in. I'll assume a new view coming in from left (so swiping right)
    statusBarView.frame = CGRectMake(offset, 0, self.statusBarView.frame.width, 20.0f); // move the origin over to the right
    statusBarView.contentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, offset, 0, 0); // make the picture start 'offset' pixels to the left so it'll look like it hasn't moved


(旁注:您也可以尝试使用转换而不是显式设置框架:statusBarView.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(offset -previousOffsetAmount, 0);。我在那里使用previousOffsetAmount,因为您只希望它移动任何新数量以便它可以匹配。如果出现这种情况,则必须以某种方式进行跟踪你走这条路)


// if continuing from before:
if (midTransition) {
} else { // the view has been slid completely
    [statusBarView removeFromSuperview];
    statusBarView = nil;
    // I'm keeping the UIWindow where it is for now so it doesn't have to be recreated and because it has a clear background anyways

// if this is being done via animation the above can be called the animation finishes


于 2016-01-24T06:46:00.323 回答