我有这个测试结构并且它正在工作,但是当我在这个单元测试 .js 文件中放置更多测试时,它不能满足我的要求,但是所有相关的测试都应该去那里。
'use strict';
describe('lessonplannerFactory unit tests', function () {
// load the service's module
// beforeEach(module('clientApp'));
// Arrange
var dateFactory = {
getVisibleDateRange: function (startDate, endDate, visibleWeekDays) {
// I do not care about the parameters, I just want to stub out the visible days with 2 stubs
var days = [ moment(new Date(2014, 0, 1)), moment(new Date(2014, 0, 2))];
return days;
// load the service's module
beforeEach(module('clientApp', function ($provide) {
$provide.value('dateFactory', dateFactory);
// Arrange
var lessonPlannerFactory;
beforeEach(inject(function (_lessonPlannerFactory_) { // The underscores before/after the factory are removed by the $injector
lessonPlannerFactory = _lessonPlannerFactory_;
it('creates periods by a daily rotation of n according to a given timetable for a certain timespan', inject(function (_dailyPeriodsTestDataFactory_) {
// Arrange
var testCases = _dailyPeriodsTestDataFactory_.testCases; // specific test data
// Act
// Do something with the injected lessonPlannerFactory.method1(testCases[0],..);
// Assert
describe("lesson planner factory unit tests")
// Inject a lesson planner factory instance for each test
// Arrange
var data = _specificTestData1_;
var stub1 = { } // setup specific stub
inject this specific stub into this test with $provide.value = mock // This stub is used INSIDE the method1 to stub out a factory dependency
// Act
var result = lessonPlannerFactory.method1(data,..);
// Assert
// Arrange
var data = _specificTestData2_;
var stub2 = { } // setup specific stub
inject this specific stub into this test with $provide.value = mock // This stub is used INSIDE the method2 to stub out a factory dependency
// Act
var result = lessonPlannerFactory.method2(data,..);
// Assert
我假设在测试中此时将存根分配给 $provide.value 为时已晚,因为之前注入/创建了课程计划工厂,并且课程计划工厂具有真正的存根对象作为依赖项。只是看看:
'use strict';
describe('lessonplannerFactory unit tests', function () {
// load the service's module
// Arrange
var lessonPlannerFactory;
beforeEach(inject(function (_lessonPlannerFactory_) { // The underscores before/after the factory are removed by the $injector
lessonPlannerFactory = _lessonPlannerFactory_;
it('creates periods by a daily rotation of n according to a given timetable for a certain timespan', inject(function (_dailyPeriodsTestDataFactory_) {
// Arrange
var testCases = _dailyPeriodsTestDataFactory_.testCases; // specific test data
// specific test stub
var dateFactory = {
getVisibleDateRange: function (startDate, endDate, visibleWeekDays) {
// I do not care about the parameters, I just want to stub out the visible days with 2 stubs
var days = [ moment(new Date(2014, 0, 1)), moment(new Date(2014, 0, 2))];
return days;
// load the stub
module('clientApp', function ($provide) {
$provide.value('dateFactory', dateFactory);
// Act on the testcases in a for loop
var result = lessonPlannerFactory.createPeriodsDaily(testCases[i].data1,..);
// Assert
TypeError: Cannot read property 'running' of undefined
at isSpecRunning (http://localhost:3000/base/app/bower_components/angular-mocks/angular-mocks.js:1924:65)
那么,我怎样才能为服务依赖注入一个存根而不是在 beforeEach 方法中,而是在单元测试本身内部,因为我需要一个特定的存根!?