我有一个脚本,它从我的 CMS 中提取数据,然后允许一个人对投票进行投票。该脚本工作正常。但是,我在 Firefox 中安装了 Ad Block Plus 插件。当启用该功能以阻止脚本正确提交表单时。它似乎在前端正确提交,但从未在后端注册。
为什么 Ad Block Plus 会阻止我的与广告无关的脚本?
$(document).ready(function () {
var Engine = {
ui: {
buildChart: function() {
if ($("#pieChart").size() === 0) {
var pieChartData = [],
totalVotes = 0,
$dataItems = $("ul.key li");
// grab total votes
$dataItems.each(function (index, item) {
totalVotes += parseInt($(item).data('votes'));
// iterate through items to draw pie chart
// and populate % in dom
$dataItems.each(function (index, item) {
var votes = parseInt($(item).data('votes')),
votePercentage = votes / totalVotes * 100,
roundedPrecentage = Math.round(votePercentage * 10) / 10;
value: roundedPrecentage,
color: $(item).data('color')
var ctx = $("#pieChart").get(0).getContext("2d");
var myNewChart = new Chart(ctx).Pie(pieChartData, {});
}, // buildChart
pollSubmit: function() {
if ($("#pollAnswers").size() === 0) {
var $form = $("#pollAnswers"),
$radioOptions = $form.find("input[type='radio']"),
$existingDataWrapper = $(".web-app-item-data"),
$webAppItemName = $existingDataWrapper.data("item-name"),
$formButton = $form.find("button"),
bcField_1 = "CAT_Custom_1",
bcField_2 = "CAT_Custom_2",
bcField_3 = "CAT_Custom_3",
$formSubmitData = "";
$radioOptions.on("change", function() {
$formButton.removeAttr("disabled"); // enable button
var chosenField = $(this).data("field"), // gather value
answer_1 = parseInt($existingDataWrapper.data("answer-1")),
answer_2 = parseInt($existingDataWrapper.data("answer-2")),
answer_3 = parseInt($existingDataWrapper.data("answer-3"));
if (chosenField == bcField_1) {
answer_1 = answer_1 + 1;
$formSubmitData = {
ItemName: $webAppItemName,
CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
CAT_Custom_3: answer_3
if (chosenField == bcField_2) {
answer_2 = answer_2 + 1;
$formSubmitData = {
ItemName: $webAppItemName,
CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
CAT_Custom_3: answer_3
if (chosenField == bcField_3) {
answer_3 = answer_3 + 1;
$formSubmitData = {
ItemName: $webAppItemName,
CAT_Custom_1: answer_1,
CAT_Custom_2: answer_2,
CAT_Custom_3: answer_3
function prepForm(formSubmitData) {
$formButton.click(function(e) {
logAnonUserIn("anon", "anon", formSubmitData); // log user in
}); // submit
} // prepForm
function logAnonUserIn(username, password, formSubmitData) {
type: 'POST',
url: '/ZoneProcess.aspx?ZoneID=-1&Username=' + username + '&Password=' + password,
async: true,
beforeSend: function () {},
success: function () {},
complete: function () {
} // logAnonUserIn
function fireForm(formSubmitData) {
// submit the form
var url = "/CustomContentProcess.aspx?A=EditSave&CCID=13998&OID=3931634&OTYPE=35";
type: 'POST',
url: url,
data: formSubmitData,
async: true,
success: function () {},
error: function () {},
complete: function () {
window.location = "/";
} // pollSubmit
} // end ui