I'm trying to add a radio button to a template that I am sending through HelloSign's API to be eSigned. I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it. There documentation mentions checkboxes but not radio buttons. Is there a POST parameter I need to set to turn a checkbox into a radio button? Or am I missing something else?

I feel like I've signed a document before on HelloSign where I used a radio button, but maybe I'm mistaken.

I am using Python, if that matters.


1 回答 1


HelloSign 确实以“分组复选框”的形式提供单选按钮(应用规则,例如“需要 1”或“需要 2”等)。

不幸的是,截至本文为止,API 尚不支持创建分组复选框。

于 2014-08-01T16:23:17.113 回答